Frankenstein is presented as a frame tale, told by Captain Walton while on an expedition to the North Pole, where he finds Frankenstein. Frankenstein is a scientist who created a monstrous human-like Creature. The Creature tried to explain his murders to Frankenstein, claiming that people rejected and feared him, begging Frankenstein to make him a mate. Frankenstein first agrees then destroys the mate. The enraged Creature kills Frankenstein's wife, fleeing to the North Pole. After Frankenstein dies, Walton sees the Creature mourning as he floats away on a raft.
Where did Victor grow up?
What is Victor's mother's name?
What does Victor study at university?
Who helps Victor recover when he falls ill after creating the monster?
Whose letters open and close the story?
What is Victor's first reaction when his monster comes alive?
What is the name of the Frankenstein servant?
Where does Victor drop the remains of his second creature?
What literary work does the monster read and enjoy while living in his hut near the cottage?
What is the name of Victor's brother who is murdered?
What is the monster's one demand of Victor?
What is the outcome of Justine's court trial?
Where does Victor attend university?
Who were Victor's professors at university?
How does the monster learn about his own creation?
Who brought the DeLacey family out of poverty?
From what does Victor's mother die?
What natural mystery does Victor wish to figure out?
When is Elizabeth murdered?
What comforts Victor when he is most despairing?
How does the monster learn how to speak?
Where is Robert Walton traveling toward?
How does the monster murder his victims?
To what character does the monster feel he is the most similar?
Where does the monster end up at the close of the novel?
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