In order to accept a life of obedience, drudgery, and fear, the people of Equality 7-2521s society follow ideas of Collectivism, Altruism, and Conformity which eliminate the thought of opposition to the leaders, also known as the World Council. Collectivism creates a tie between man and a group of people comparable to Anthem. Altruism creates a feeling opposite of individualism also similar to Anthem, where the people do not have their own thoughts or even have the knowledge of whether they could ever choose Transgression of Preference. Conformity is one of the key aspects of life in Equalitys society which the members of the World Council depend on and one reason why the people do not oppose anything they say. As a result, the people of Anthems society live a life whose purpose is not for them individually or for their own self-interest, but for the sake of the World Council and their brothers.
Instead of living by ones own mind, society as a whole in Anthem follows a strict policy of Collectivism for the sake of the common good. In addition to forcing occupations on the people, the World Council keeps a strong hold of everyones daily schedule so that their future plans can not be affected in any way. For example, during the day, the people of the same occupation work together, live together, and attend and return from social recreation together in a single line. Also, the World Council assigns jobs that people do not deserve so that they can control society directly. For example, Equality did not deserve a job as a street sweeper, but because of his physical differences from everyone else, his disobedience of Altruism, and the chance he would rebel against the current society, the World Council appointed Equality a job where he would not have the chance to speak out like the scholars do. In accordance with the rules, the people of the society work together daily and do not think that the World Council is causing them any harm. Later on, Equality questions why his brothers would ever follow the Council by saying, But I still wonder how it was possible, in those graceless years of transition, long ago, that men did not see whither they were going, and went on, in blindness and cowardice, to their fate (120). Equality realizes that the World Council has brainwashed the people into believing that their society is the most advanced and the only safe place that exists. The people follow their given daily routines in fear of being punished like the Transgressor of the Unspeakable Word. They also do not get paid for their long labor which lasts about 25 years and after, they are admitted to the Home of the Useless. Although the people of Anthems society are treated unfairly, they work together as a group and do not rebel against the World Council because if they do, than they would not have the satisfaction of security and peace.
Equality 7-2521s brothers are considered as one and not multiple individuals in matters of Altruism being of virtue, value, and the highest moral duty in life. First of all, the people accept the responsibility of sacrificing themselves to society and not just for their own benefit. This idea leads to someone thinking that everything is the same and that he/she would not like or hate something more than another. Also, the people tend to believe that the only reason they exist is not for love or a future, but for the sake of working for their brothers and benefiting the World Council. People in Anthems society lead a robotic life because Altruism makes them seem emotionless and thoughtless. For instance, in the Home of the Students, the students would have to recite a pledge that states: We are nothing. Mankind is all. By the grace of our brothers are we allowed our lives. We exist through, by, and for our brothers who are the state. Amen (16). Fear of the World Council makes the people not care about their own well-being, welfare, or even achieving self-interest. Morally in their society, people are forbidden to have their own thoughts and have to respect the actions of the World Council even if they do not think they are right because rebelling without any support would only lead to severe punishments. Therefore, there are no guards at the Palace of Corrective Detention because no one is willing to disobey the actions of the World Council and receive punishment. Unlike the thinking of Equality, the people lead a very uninteresting life that the people from the Unmentionable Times, also know as today, would not be attracted to. Thus, the people in Anthem are not independent or have a right to control their own lives in fear of the World Council.
Conformity greatly applies to the society in a negative way, but also benefits the plans of the World Council at the same time in Anthem. First of all, the peoples lack of knowledge does not help them wonder about the mysteries in the world. In addition, the World Council does not introduce any new inventions besides candles and windows. Also, an idea that becomes a reason of rejection of Equalitys invention is that something that no one knows about or was not collectively created must not exist. In this world, no one even thinks of questioning anything or any of the decisions of the World Council. Conformity brings ideas of consistency of the peoples behavior and creates a compliance of the people as a whole. The idea of conformity was also expresses in the novel when Solidarity 8-1164 explains nonexistent ideas to Equality that were revealed in the past by saying, Many men in the Homes of the Scholars have had strange new ideas in the past,but when the majority of their brother Scholars voted against them, they abandoned their ideas, as all men must (81-82). As well as bringing the society together, Conformity blends well with obedience as a factor of abiding by the World Council because the World Council disregards the disturbances, also known as the ideas of Scholars or Equality and advises them indirectly to not question them or even question anything in their society. Moreover, Conformity is one of the aspects of life in Anthem which aides people in accepting the unfair treatment that is not as visible to them because the World Council achieve trust and scare the people conservatively.
In the process of tolerating a life of obedience, drudgery, and fear, the citizens of Equalitys society pursue ideas of Collectivism, Altruism, and Conformity which eliminate thoughts of opposition to the intelligent leaders of Anthems society, also known as the World Council. Collectivism holds a man to a repetitive routine of work and a robotic connection with his brothers. Altruism summarizes the bland thoughts of the people and the reason for their existence. Similarly, Conformity relates the act of society becoming as a whole in agreement of their purpose in life. Furthermore, ideas of conventional behavior, collective actions, and service to others become the basic principles of an average mans existence in Anthem.
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