Perez, Armando
Reading 7: Rand, Anthem
Ayn Rands Anthem is written from the point of view of Equality 7-2521, a group of male street sweepers who discover a forgotten secret that could change their very way of life, but ends up ridding them from the rest of society. Equality 7-2521 has always been different and cursed by society because, unlike all others, society cannot keep its grasp and influence on them. The rules and regulations of society dont allow others to think for themselves and become individuals; there is only WE and US, never I or ME. Iron bracelets which all men wear represent the slavery of society, which is also a symbol. Light- enlightenment- is freedom, as well as the Uncharted Forest. Equality 7-2521 frees themselves from the laws and influence of their society by retreating into an underground tunnel where they read old, forbidden manuscripts from the Unmentionable Times.
Each and every person in Anthems society is grouped with those who are most similar to each other, and then each person receives an iron bracelet distinguishing their group from others. The iron bracelet signifies societys lack of individualism and societal enslavement over all, except those who are alone, and separate; nonconformists. The society as a whole represents slavery because it wouldnt let anyone think for himself, but only for the good of his brothers and sisters; there was only WE. No one person was allowed to think or feel any emotion(s) more or less then his brethren or for himself; he was only to feel happy, but not too happy less he is punished; there is only US. The many laws Equality 7-2521s society enforces also stand for slavery because it forbade everyone from doing anything they werent taught or assigned to do. Each group was given the same information and each group has a single job to uphold and that one job was to be the only thing it was ever supposed to do. At first Equality 7-2521 didnt like breaking the law because it was a sin, a transgression. Transgressions are slavery as well because everyone was basically brainwashed into thinking committing these sins was completely wrong. Another big topic was the fear Equality 7-2521 had through much of its enlightenment.
The only way intelligence and information is retained in Anthems time is by writing it down, making a manuscript. These manuscripts symbolize freedom because they lead Equality 7-2521 to enlightenment and reveal the path into his individualism. While underground, Equality 7-2521 finds little globes of glass on the walls, what we call light bulbs. The light represents freedom because it symbolizes the illumination of thought and knowledge to Equality 7-2521. This newfound knowledge illuminates the path toward a brighter future for society. Another image of freedom is the Uncharted Forest. The forest and nature provides refuge to Equality 7-2521 and his new friend Liberty 5-3000 when they have no choice but to run away from the corruption and persecution of the only society theyve known. Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 5-3000 soon find out that the forest provides their basic needs- food and water- and is quite hospitable. We take names for granted, but in Anthem is provides individuality. One male names himself Prometheus, the Greek god who makes mankind from clay.
Equality 7-2521 escapes by heading into an underground tunnel, and reading the manuscripts. The tunnel acts as an arch between now and the Unmentionable Times. Equality 7-2521 literally escapes when he flees into the Uncharted Forest, when its his only means of escape from societys punishments. Equality 7-2521 completely rids himself from society when he names himself, becoming an individual; there is I and ME.
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