The definition of freedom will vary depending on the source. To Ayn Rand freedom means being free from other people and free to make individual decisions. Some people believe this is true but others will strongly disagree with her. Freedom has many different meanings but to a teenage character in the book, Anthem, it meant starting new and leaving his community to start a new one. He learns about freedom in different ways. He learns to trust himself and not to be afraid of being alone.
According to Ayn Rand freeing oneself from other people is the way to gain freedom. In the book, anthem, she says, To be free, a man must be free of his brothers. She says this because Equality 7-2521 experiences freedom when he runs away from his community and is able to make decisions on his own. Being free from his brothers also makes it possible for equality 7-2521 to survive in the woods because he figured a way to hunt for food by himself. As he spends more and more time alone in the woods he realizes that he is becoming happy each day because he doesnt have anyone telling him how to act, or what to do, or what to think.
Part of being free is being able to think for yourself and believe what you chose to. All of equality 7-2521s life he has had someone tell him how to think and what to believe in until he decided to think for himself. In the book he says it is the mind which thinks, and judgment of my mind is the only searchlight that can find the truth. Equality 7-2521 though for himself and believed in what he wanted, he created a new community and new belief. He gained most freedom when he started thinking for himself because it causes him to question the rules and laws. People like this in todays society are held back because they are different and question what we believe is right. Equlity 7-2521 is one of those people and gave up a lot to stand up for what he believed in and what was right.
Equality 7-2521 realizes that he had nothing to fear when he saw his reflection in the stream and knows he is free and doing the right thing. Equality -72521 says And we thought we could trust this being who looked upon us from the stream, and we had nothing to fear with this being after he looks in to a stream and sees his reflection for the first time. When he says this he knows what he is thinking and doing is right and he doesnt have to fear anything in the woods.
There are many different elements to freedom like being free from others or being free to think or act a certain way. Some people will sacrifice anything for freedom like equality 7-2521. He gave up his friends, family, and even safety for what he believed in which happened to be freedom to be his own person.
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