The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel by Mark Twain about Huck, a mischievous boy, who runs away from his drunken father. Huck meets up with Jim, a runaway slave and they travel down the Mississippi on a raft. The two escape through various misadventures, including the family feud between the Grangerfofrds and Shepherdsons and the conning "duke and king." Finally, Jim is captured on the Phelps' farm, Huck plans an escape and, finally, it is revealed that Jim is now a freeman and Huck's father has died.
Who first adopts Huck?
What sign of bad luck does Huck experience the night he meets up with Tom?
What does Tom Sawyer's Gang "do"?
What is the standard robber behavior that the gang cannot figure out?
Huck's father criticizes Huck for everything EXCEPT:
Huck escapes from his father by:
Where does Huck go after he escapes from the cabin?
Who does Huck meet on the island?
How can Jim tell that it is going to rain?
How can Jim tell that he is going to be rich?
From whom does he find out that men are planning to search the island?
Who do Jim and Huck find on the banked steamboat?
What happens while Jim and Huck are on the banked steamboat?
Huck tricks Jim by:
What happens immediately after they realize that they have passed Cairo?
Why are the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons fighting?
What is all of Emmeline Grangerford's poetry about?
What does the Duke think he and the King should do to make money?
What can William Wilks not do?
Who first doubts the king is Harvey Wilks?
Knowledge of what turns out to be the proof of the true Wilks brothers' identity?
Who are the Phelpses related to?
Who does Tom Sawyer pretend to be?
What does Jim NOT have to make marks on?
Where does Huck plan to go at the end of the novel?
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