Pride and Prejudice follows the lives of the five Bennet sisters and their parents, especially focusing on the second eldest daughter Elizabeth. Though weary of her mother's desperation to place each of her daughters in good marriages, Elizabeth finds herself drawn to Mr. Darcy, a proud and wealthy gentleman who is attracted to Elizabeth because of her intelligence and wit. Amidst the drama of their friends' and families' lives, both must overcome preconceived notions and expectations in this story that explores class, love, and social change.
What is the name of the Darcy's estate?
What is the name of the Bennett estate?
Where do the Benett girls first meet Mr. Wickham?
Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy is a:
How do the Benet girls first meet Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy?
Who elopes with Lydia Bennett?
What is the profession of Mr. Collins?:
Which Bennett girl is the first to marry:
Lady Catherine asks that Elizabeth that she:
What is the name of Lady Catherine's estate?
Pride and Prejudice takes place mainly in the town of:
Where is Mr. Wickham's regiment stationed?
The name of Elizabeth's aunt and uncle are:
Why does Mr. Darcy advise Mr. Bingley not to marry Jane Bennett?
Jane eventually marries:
Elizabeth eventually marries:
Who is Mr. Collins?
Mr. Collins is:
Mrs. Bennet's obsession is to:
Who does Mr. Collins marry?
What are the names of Mr. Bingley's sisters?
What is the name of Mr. Darcy's sister?
Darcy negotiates a marriage between who?
In what year was Pride and Prejudice first published
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