Life of Pi by Yann Martel tells the story of a young man named Pi Patel, whose family owns a zoo in India. They decide to move to Canada and transport their zoo, but the ship they were sailing across the Atlantic encounters a storm and sinks. Pi is the only survivor, as he finds himself on a lifeboat with a hyena, a zebra, an orangutan, and Bengal tiger he names Richard Parker.
Piscine was unhappy as a child with his name, as it was often mispronounced as“pissing” when it is meant to be pronounced as “pea-seen” . For that reason as he grows up and enters the next level of school, he makes a show of jumping up during roll call and announcing to the class that his name is “Pi” even illustrating it with the mathematical symbol on the chalkboard. It quickly catches on and it makes him quite happy.
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