The Dispossessed is the story of the inhabited worlds of Tau Ceti and their invention of the instant interstellar communication device known as the Ansible. The Ansible reconfigures relations between two inhabited worlds, rough analogues for the United States and the Soviet Union at the time of the Cold War. The two begin a proxy war triggered by these changes and soon events spiral out of control in a parable for the fragility for Statehood.
The Dispossessed (1974)
“You put your petty miserable ‘laws’ to protect wealth, your ‘forces’ of guns and bombs, in the same sentence with the law of entropy and the force of gravity? I had thought better of your mind, Demaere!”
They fell silent in the ranks around Shevek to hear him, and he sang aloud, smiling walking forward with them.
“In the end, yes, but I am not willing to wait for the end. I have one lifetime, and I will not spend it for greed and profiteering and lies. I will not serve any master.
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