Fictional characters
The Corbera Family
- Fabrizio Corbera, Prince of Salina—born 1810
- Maria Stella, Princess of Salina
- Carolina—eldest of 7 children—born 1840
- Francesco Paolo—eldest son and heir—born 1844
- Concetta—second daughter—born 1848
- Tancredi Falconeri—orphan son of the prince's sister—born 1834
- Bendicò—the family dog
Others at Salina
- Father Pirrone—Jesuit family priest—helps the prince with mathematical computations
- Pietro Russo—steward
- Ciccio Ferrara—accountant
- Mademoiselle Dombreuil—governess
Characters at Donnafugata
- Calogero Sedàra—Mayor of Donnafugata
- Angelica—Calogero's daughter—born 1844
- Monsignor Trotolino—priest at Holy Mother Church
- Ciccio Genestra—notary
- Onofrio Rotolo—steward
- Toto Giambono—doctor
- Ciccio Tumeo—organist at Holy Mother Church—hunting partner of the prince
- Count Carlo Cavriaghi—friend of Tancredi from Lombardy
- Knight Aimone Chevalley di Monterzuolo-bureaucrat from Piedmont