The Green House Study Guide

The Green House

The Green House by Mario Vargas Llosa

  • Anselmo: a mysterious stranger who arrives in Piura to build a brothel called the Green House.
  • Antonia (Tonita): a child left for dead by bandits, she dies giving birth to Anselmo’s daughter, Chunga.
  • Aquilino: Fushia’s reluctant partner in crime, he has worked on the river for 20 years as a pilot and merchant.
  • Bonifacia: an Aguaruna native abducted and raised by nuns, she marries Sergeant Lituma only to become a prostitute at the Green House where she is derisively called "Wildflower."
  • Chunga: Anselmo’s daughter, she becomes madame of the new Green House.
  • Fushia: from Brazil and of Japanese descent, he is a sadist, criminal, leader of warrior natives, and leper.
  • Josefino: a resident of Piura and friend of Lituma, he rapes Bonifacia.
  • Jum: an Aguaruna native and father of Bonifacia, he works with Fushia .
  • Lalita: Fushia’s lover, she starts a new life with Adrian Nieves.
  • Sergeant Lituma: a resident of Piura and husband of Bonifacia, he serves in the Peruvian military in the Amazonia region before returning to his home town.
  • Adrian Nieves: a river pilot involved in the capture of Bonifacia, he works for Fushia and has three children with Lalita.
  • Julio Reategui: the son of a rubber merchant, he colludes with Fushia on the illegal rubber trade and becomes provincial Governor.

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