Gravity's Rainbow is a far-ranging story covering a vast number of subjects. Its central dramatic device is the V-2 rocket, the German production of which at the close of World War II features prominently in the narrative. The story moves from character to character and concept to concept, using a circular plot mimicking the titular rainbow to explore New Math, principles of speculative quantum physics, and other fringe elements of science and warfare technology.
Boasting the largest collection of book summaries, BookRags is the best option for titles you can't find elsewhere. They offer all of the basics (quotes, chapter summary, characters, historical context, literary criticism) but also walk through a few major topics that recur throughout the book, which can be particularly useful for essay writing.
Boasting the largest collection of book summaries, BookRags is the best option for titles you can't find elsewhere. They offer all of the basics (quotes, chapter summary, characters, historical context, literary criticism) but also walk through a few major topics that recur throughout the book, which can be particularly useful for essay writing.