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Persuasion in Antony's Funeral Speech in Julius Caesar Essay



In the art of persuasive power we have learned a great deal. Mark Antonys funeral speech is an exemplary masterwork of persuasion. Had he stated at the outset what his intentions were, he would have been ambushed and killed. Rather he carefully adopted a cautious lateral approach; adapted his approach by appearing to go along with the conspirators and ironically using Brutuss words to make it appear he accepts their justifications for the brutal slaying of Caesar. To turn the fickle crowd around to his way of thinking he continues to use the words of the conspirators against themselves and instead of lofty abstract principles, appeals to concrete examples of Caesars generosity and good governance.

While Shakespeare has Brutus speak in prose, Antony speaks, as most great Shakespearean speeches; in poetry; high, classical iambic pentameter. He is out to win their hearts and minds and subtly appeals to their personal self interest. His first statement Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears has become a time cherished phrase of intimacy and a call to patriotism.

Antonys disarming and disingenuous statement I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him is followed by a subtle shift:

The noble Brutus

Hath told you Caesar was ambitious.

If it were so, it was a grievous fault, 3.2. 79 80

The small subordinate conjunction if casts the first doubt on the claims of the conspirators. This is followed by proclamations of friendship; he was my friend, faithful and just to me.

On firmer ground Antony turns his attentions to concrete undeniable evidence of Caesars benevolence and altruism;

He hath brought many captives home to Rome,

Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill:

Did this in Caesar seem ambitious? 3.2. 89 - 91

Further, Caesar was in tune with the people;

When the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept;

Ambition should be made of sterner stuff 3.2. 92 - 93

Yet, Antony admits, Brutus says Caesar was ambitious and Brutus is an honourable man. It is the repetition of this ironic mantra that gradually becomes hollow and sways the audience against the conspirators. While Antony assures his audience I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke this is exactly what he is doing. Combined with his self deprecation as a speaker, and his emotional breakdown (..Bear with me. My heart is in the coffin with Caesar, and I must pause till it come back to me.), these tactics work in tandem to endear him and his cause to a malleable fickle mobs mentality.

Continuing to appeal to their emotions, Antony plays his highest card, his produces two tangible pieces of evidence to clinch is argument; Caesars will and his brutally massacred body. All his tactics have had one aim in mind; to incite the mob to riot, and to revenge Caesars brutal murder. His exploitation of group psychology by appealing to their non-rational aspects yet providing them with rational proof of Caesars generosity and selfless deeds, work together to achieve his ultimate objective.

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