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Antigone: A Tragic Hero Essay


A character must inherit various traits in order to be a real tragic hero. In Antigone, the real tragic hero can be argued, but Antigone seems to stand out the most. Her rebellious, selfless personality makes her actions relatable, and her a round character. Her realistic human nature, and noble stature, allows her to obtain the role of a tragic hero. Through the story, you come to relate to her desires and motivations as well.

Antigones Hamartia, the characters fatal flaw, is not only her unfortunate family past, but her need to rebel. She feels it is appropriate to do what she feels is right, despite the regulations of the king, Kreon. I will stay with him my brother; and my crime will be my devotion.(89-90) She has faith in standing by her family, rather than politics.

Antigones Hubris, arrogance of pride, is not only her rebellion itself, but her proclamation of the crime. Still, where was there a way for me to win greater fame or glory?(612-3) Her satisfaction within her dignity is the cause of demise. Clearly shes her fathers child, hard and raw. He never learned to yield, for all his troubles.(576-7) They relate her actions to her late father, symbolizing the unity and bond she still has with her family, even if they are not alive.

Her Peripeteia, reversal of fortune, is her punishment for her acts of righteousness. Why should I be ashamed of my loyalty to my brother?(624) She has faith in her family, and she refuses to give up. Her honor in her family, before the laws of the society she belongs to shows her confidence with her decision, even though she is being penalized.

The Anagnorisis, is her recognition from the chorus, who say she has died equal to the gods, and recognize her for her actions and dedication towards her family. Her Nemesis within this story is Kreon and at times, fate. Kreons ignorance and close-mindedness leads to the outcome of the story. The Catharsis of the story is the end of her life, her

suicide. But it is not an upsetting end, because she gets to go see her deceased family members, whom she cherishes and misses greatly.

Antigone is the tragic hero of the novel. She buries her brother despite the punishment, and she remains proud of doing what she felt was right regardless of the outcome. She rightfully exemplifies, hamartia, hubris, anagnorisis, peripeteia, nemisis and catharsis. Though she did fall in the end, she realized her mistake, remaining a hero of human potential.

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