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Dreaming in Of Mice and Men Essay


Everyone believes they can make a difference. They have an ideological mindset that they will achieve everything they dream of. Then somewhere within the steps to achieving their dreams something goes wrong. The best-laid plans of mice and men go oft astray- Robert Burns. This quote reveals the harsh reality of life, that dreams may not come true if limits are not considered.

People tend to dream dreams without limits. Reality plays a big role in dreaming. In order for one to achieve their dreams they must have limits. People simply just cannot start at the bottom and expect to be at the top the next day. Dreaming with limits allows a person to feel more accomplished and satisfied with their life. Having limits also makes a person realize how complicated it truly is to achieve what they want. Realizing all the complications that come with dreaming without limits brings people back to the harsh reality of life. Things simply cannot be handed to a person, taking small steps and having limits will pay off in the end. If one cannot accomplish their dreams even with limits, they then know that their dreams are unrealistic. Therefore, dreaming with limits allows people to face the fact that their dreams may never be accomplished. They may sometimes have to settle for less.

The novel of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck involves the realization and struggle of the characters and their dreams. The main characters George Milton and Lennie Small are completely opposite, yet they seem to complete each other. Georges intelligence is average while Lennies is more child-like. As a result of Lennies child-like mind they face many obstacles that get in the way of accomplishing their dreams. They both work together to achieve their dreams, for George it is a home, and a few acres of land, a place to call his own. As for Lennie, having a child-like mind, his dream is to tend the rabbits. They meet a guy by the name of Candy who has $350 and wants to become a part of their dream. It is as if their dream is at their fingertips. Lennie does the unexpected and accidently kills Curleys wife. As George finds Lennie, he makes him envision their dream in his head. George then proceeds to shoot Lennie in the back of the head. He does this to protect Lennie from torture. This is where their dream ends.

Just as George and Lennie were prevented from fulfilling their dream by unforeseen obstacles, people in society are faced with the same challenges. Today many Americans are faced with the challenges of a crashing economy which is in part due to the fact that thousands of people were living beyond their limits, trying to live the American Dream. As many families are losing their homes, this dream is no longer a reality. Perhaps, this will serve as an example to others that they should live within their limits, and fulfill their dream one step at a time.

Regardless of what people aspire to do, they should remember to set limits and realistic expectations. Everyone wants the best things that life has to offer, and a lot of people are guilty of dreaming beyond their reach. They should continue to dream.However, they should prepare themselves for the possibility that things may not work out as planned. Just as things did not work out for George and Lennie, or things are not working out for the thousands of Americans faced with foreclosures, things may not work out for just about anyone. So, when dreaming, people should protect themselves from falling by taking small increments because as they surpass each milestone it brings them one step closer to their overall dream!

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