In ma opinion I would say this is a grey situation meaning that its not black and its not white its in the middle, basically its a 2 sided case. I would start off by saying lennie had no right to act as God in taking his best friends life just because he made a mistake, God is the giver and taker of life so George had no right to take lennies life.
There are many other ways in which George could have dealt with lennie for instance he could have taken lennie to the police, if he could have killed someone like a brother to him just like that then obviously he could have easily taken him 2 the police station and left him there to be taken care of. He could have easily told the police men what was wrong with lennie and he could have explained that lennie was mentally insane and could be a big baby at-times so that they dont treat him meanly. Another thing George could have done is that he could have ran away with lennie this is something he should be used to by now, as we can all remember they both ran away from weed due to the fact that lennie scared a woman. So tell me what was stopping him from running away again with lennie and hidden away from the men that were after both of them like they did in weed, If he done that Im sure himself and lennie could have escaped the men but nooo he had to kill some one he called his good friend just like that, just because he didnt want to run anymore (therefore George was being unthoughtful about lennie and was just thinking of himself). Another thing George could have done was to take lennie to the cave he always said he would go to and leave him there hiding him away from the men. In this book lennie was described as a bear because of how big his palms were and also because of his thought of going to live in a cave, he was described as a dog because George told him to get a pile of wood from the brush but he came back with just 1stick, he was also described as a bull when he was attracted to curelys wife even though she was wearing the colour red and he was also described as a horse at the beginning of the page drank with long gulps, snorting into the water like a horse. So these are the animals lennie was described as A Dog, A Bull, A Bear, and A Horse.
But on the other hand there was really nothing George could do, they have always spent their time running away just because lennie always got them in trouble he must have been fed up and tired of all the stress and frustration from lennie. George knew that lennie has done this kind of thing many times before he had always been like that remember he has the mind of a child. Lennie didnt mean to kill curelys wife she has a habit of going to places she shouldnt, mostly because she is desperate and lonely, so she was somewhere she shouldnt have been when she went into the barn and she gave lennie the permission to get very close to her which was a very dangerous thing to do and lennie grabs her when she gets frightened by him and starts screaming and because lennie was so strong once he grabbed hold of her he broke her neck and when lennie noticed she was dead he ran to the brush where George told him to go when he was in trouble. This is how the whole situation started. Like what happened to candy, George wanted to be the one to take care of lennie because lennie was his business not curelys business, he didnt want his best friend to be killed by another man that was a stranger to him and also wanted to get revenge on him for breaking all the bones in his hand, I dont think he would have been able to live with himself knowing that his best friend was killed by a boastful stranger over something he didnt mean to do. Also there wouldnt have been a good way of escaping because the men were everywhere and at the time George and lennie were in the brush the men werent far from there so there was no way they would have been able to escape the men. George once explained lennies disabilities to slim. Before George shot lennie at the back of his head in a merciful killing kind of way he felt very bad and awful like it was said in the book His voice was monotonous, had no emphasis. And before he shot lennie it took him quiet some time before he could actually pull the trigger. At the end of every thing slim said, You hadda George. And I kind of agree because I dont really think he hand any good choice.
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