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Tragedy in Antigone Essay


Aristotles definition of tragedy is Tragedy is a story taking the hero from happiness to misery because of a fatal flaw or mistake on his part. To be a true tragic hero he must also elicit a strong emotional response of pity and fear from the audience. (Aristotle)

Creon fits perfectly into this description of a tragic hero.There have been many controversies regarding the true nature of Creon in the play Antigone by Anouilh.In this essay of mine, we shall perceive Creon as a noble man rather than an arrogant tyrant.In my view,Creon was the protagonist while Antigone was undoubtedly the antagonist, the cause of the whole tragedy who caused her own downfall as well as the downfall of Haemon and Eurydice courtesy of her obnoxious and immature behaviour.

To prove my point here, I shall start with the fact that Creon hadnt desired power.He was a patron of art, a lover of music, an idealist. This had been stated by the Chorus in the Prologue. This throne had been forced upon him by the circumstances after the death of Eteocles. As a practical man, Creon distances himself away from the tragic aspirations of Oedipus and his line. His only aim is to maintain social order.Creon compared Thebes to a sinking ship whose crew was only interested in looting the ship for their petty concerns.Creon, in such dire circumstances, stepped in and guided the ship safely to the harbour.He looked upon his kingship as a bane rather than a boon. He described his work as that of a labourer, with no amusement or surprises whatsoever.Looking at his ideas and his frame of mind, we can be almost sure that he is too sensitive to be a tyrant.In fact, this was stated by Antigone herself during the course of the play.

Let us now discuss the question of Polynices burial.

It cannot be argued that Creon was proud. He was firm on his decisions and didnt change them. Hyperbolically, he was as constant as the pole star. Although he had a fairly cynical view of priesthood and religious rituals (demonstrated in his description of the burial ceremony as ecclesiastical rigmarole ), he had denied Polynices a burial just for political reasons.He had done this to crush any anarchic and revolutionary ideas in Thebes.Even morally, his actions were justified to some extent. Polynices was a drunkard and a gambler.He went to the extent of siding with Argive army to kill his father Oedipus and capture the throne.Does such a person need to be dignified? Doesnt he deserve to wander around the world in his chains of misdeeds? Creon was a proud and firm man.But does that make him a merchant of tyranny?

Many of the readers easily stereotype Creon as a tyrant just because of his decision to execute Antigone. In fact, it had been Antigones wish to die.

Antigone was born to die .It was her fate, her destiny and she wanted to achieve it. It didnt matter to her what she was dying for. In fact, she wasnt aware herself what she was dying for. Polynices burial was just a pretext, an excuse.When it became invalid, she just found another excuse. She decided to die because she could not accept the basic truth of life that the fires of youthful idealism and passionate love do not burn forever.She wanted a life without any compromises and imperfections.Creon left no stone unturned to convince her to change her attitude but to no avail.

This extract provides hardcore evidence about Creons intentions.

Heaven knows Ive got other demands, but Im going to spend however long it takes to save you, little pest. (Jean Anouilh, pg37)

Antigone purposely kept on provoking him which was insincere on her part. Creon had the desire to help his niece and hated making the decision .He was different from Sophocles Creon who was a brute and suffered from a much greater obstinacy.However, he was patriarchal to some extent and could not bear to be openly insulted by a women,that too his niece.He gave her several opportunities before condemning her to death.

Creons flaw wasnt his tyranny.It was his pride and his firm nature that caused this tragedy. Creon stood for the laws of the land and the state. He remained loyal in upholding these laws. Antigone, on the other hand represented the laws of gods. When these laws clashed, the pride of both Antigone and Creon prevented them from backing on their decisions.The Chorus, being omniscient and omnipresent already knew about the inevitable outcome.

Here,I would like to appreciate some of the literary features in Anouilhs Antigone. Anouilh uses many literary features like foreshadowing, symbolism and imagery during the play to emphasize its tragic nature.All these along with the soliloquy seem to deliver the message that a mans actions are governed more by fate than the man himself.

Foreshadowing: Antigone knew what was coming for her.This is evident from some of her dialogues in which she foreshadowed her death.

1) Antigone: Nothing, Nan, just that Im a bit small for it all.( Jean Anouilh ,Pg 15)

2) Antigone: Perhaps it will keep me safe still (Jean Anouilh, pg15).

Symbolism:The soliloquy by the chorus is full of symbolism.It emphasizes the inevitability of outcome in tragedy.They describe tragedy as convenient.Only a small push is needed which leads to cataclysmic consequences.

Imagery: There are also some instances of use of imagery.

For example, the portrayal of Thebes as a ship letting water on all sides.Then, the splitting of the masts and the shredding of the sails by a powerful storm.

Irony: Antigone risked her life for a brother who never cared about her.

Anachronisms: Artifacts which appear out of place chronologically.

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