Anthem is the story of Equality 7-2521, a member of a futuristic society where individualism is punishable by death and technology is carefully regulated by faceless bureaucracy. Equality embarks on a journey of self-discovery while on the run from his society of origin, plumbing the depths of individualism for himself and eventually taking on the name Prometheus as he prepares to bring metaphorical fire back to humanity. The story is an anti-socialist allegorical piece that inspired acidic reviews upon its publication.
The most popular website for book notes. SparkNotes was created by students for students, and their summaries are accessible and extremely well-written. Besides the usual plot overview, chapter summaries, and character analysis, SparkNotes differentiates itself with a section discussing themes, motifs, and symbols.
The original provider of professionally-written study guides, Cliffs Notes were available in print form before the Internet even existed. Their content is very comprehensive and includes an analysis of characters, detailed chapter by chapter summaries, critical essays, essay topics, and many other sections.
You won't get any frills with GradeSaver -- just the content you expect. Their study guides include a full plot summary, themes and character analysis, study questions, and the e-text of the book. One hidden gem is their collection of literature essays, but you'll have to pay for it.
If you're bored by traditional book notes, try Shmoop! They write their summaries in an approachable, entertaining style. Their comprehensive offering includes chapter by chapter summaries, themes, quotes, character analysis, study quizzes, and even flash cards and infographics.