The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Study Guide

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks is the story of the title character, a 15-year-old girl attending a private and very prestigious boarding school. Frankie uses her considerable intellect to confront the chauvinist attitudes of the staff and students, manipulating a secret society of upperclassmen to do her bidding. Frankie's pranks, schemes, and attempted lesson-teaching soon escapes her control, though, and she is forced to master her passions in order to restore order.

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Characters

  • Frankie Landau-Banks – Frankie, the protagonist of this book, is a sophomore girl who is in a growing phase physically and intellectually. She begins to focus on her independence and desperately wants to resist being defined by anyone but herself including her boyfriend, Matthew Livingston. Along the way Frankie learns to take matters into her own hands when she is unfairly left out of The Basset Hounds. Her solution for this dilemma leads to lots of trouble and hilarity.
  • Matthew Livingston – Matthew is the confident, wealthy, cool, and older boy who goes from crush to boyfriend of Frankie. When we are first introduced to his character he seems to be the perfect knight in shining armor. As a leading member of the all male secret society of The Basset Hounds, he represents the world Frankie is kept out of and is happy enough to leave her out of his conformist "old boys" club.
  • Alpha – As his name suggests, Alpha sees himself as the lead dog on campus. Because of his confidence and leadership abilities many others see him this way also. Throughout the book he is at odds with Frankie over the attention of his best friend Matthew. When he feels threatened by Frankie he uses hispower to make Frankie feel small and unimportant in the group because she is a girl trying to fit in with the all boys group.
  • Zada Landau-Banks – Zada is the older advice giving sister of Frankie. Whenever Frankie has problems she calls her older sister who calms her down but also shares with Frankie some of her feminist inclinations.
  • Porter Welsch – Porter is Frankie's ex-boyfriend who is also a part of The Loyal Order of The Basset Hounds. Porter seems to always be in Frankie's way just to antagonize her but as it turns out Frankie and porter have something in common because they both reject the conformity that seems to be required by their school.

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