Penny from Heaven Study Guide

Penny from Heaven

Penny from Heaven by Jennifer L. Holm

  • Barbara Ann Falucci "Penny"—age 11. A half Italian girl who loves butter pecan ice-cream and the baseball team "Brooklyn Dodgers"
  • Ellie Falucci—Exact age not specified. A single mother , used to be a nurse.
  • Alfred Falucci- Penny's late father. Born in Italy, but lived in the United States. Worked as a journalist for Italian newspaper
  • Dominic Falucci—a younger brother of Penny's father. He lives in the car and doesn't like to be around people. He gave a lucky bean to Penny and is Penny's favorite uncle.
  • Frankie Falucci—age 15. The best friend of Penny , and her cousin. He is a real troublemaker, loves to have fun. He wants to become rich and support his family.
  • Genevieve Falucci "Nonny"—about 70. Penny's paternal grandmother. She wears only black clothes and loves cooking.
  • Ralph Falucci—the youngest brother of Penny's father. He has a coat factory.He always gives Penny new clothes.
  • Mr. Mulligan— The milkman who later dates Penny's mother. Before becoming a milkman, he was in the air force and was stationed in Burma during the war.
  • Scarlet o' hara—Penny's dog who pees everywhere.

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