The Kite Runner is the story of Amir and Hassan, two boys in pre-Soviet Afghanistan. Amir is the son of a wealthy merchant, Hassan a servant. The two have an uneven friendship. Hassan is secretly Amir's half-brother, a product of his father's indiscretion with a servant. The two grow apart during the war and the subsequent rise of the Taliban and Amir journeys to America where his father passes away. He returns to Afghanistan to claim Hassan's son in the wake of Hassan's death at the hands of the Taliban.
Amir asks where Hassan can be found. Rahim Khan hands him a picture of Hassan and his son and a letter.
In the letter, Hassan tells him about living under Taliban rule and his family. Hassan clearly wishes to see his friend Amir.
A month after Rahim Khan left for Pakistan, Taliban officers came to take the house. Hassan refused to leave. He and his wife were shot dead.
Rahim Khan asks Amir to go to Kabul and bring 10 year old Sohrab to him.
He also tells Amir that Ali was sterile. Hassan was also Baba’s son. Hassan never knew.
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