The Kite Runner is the story of Amir and Hassan, two boys in pre-Soviet Afghanistan. Amir is the son of a wealthy merchant, Hassan a servant. The two have an uneven friendship. Hassan is secretly Amir's half-brother, a product of his father's indiscretion with a servant. The two grow apart during the war and the subsequent rise of the Taliban and Amir journeys to America where his father passes away. He returns to Afghanistan to claim Hassan's son in the wake of Hassan's death at the hands of the Taliban.
Rahim Khan found Hassan in 1986. Hassan was married and his wife was expecting a baby. Ali had been killed by a land mine.
Hassan asked many questions about Amir and wanted to know if Khan would read a letter from Amir. He wept when told about Baba’s death.
Hassan and his wife decide to move with Rahim Khan, but will only live in the hut and work as servants so as not to offend Amir.
Hassan’s daughter was stillborn.
Hassan’s mother returns to see him, disfigured from a recent knife attack. They nurse her back to health.
Hassan’s wife gave birth to a son named Sohrab.
Hassan’s mother died four years later.
Hassan taught his son to be a kite runner. The Taliban banned kite fighting shortly after taking power. Taliban fighters massacred the Hazaras in Mazar-i-Sharif.
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