Deep Six Study Guide

Deep Six

Deep Six by Clive Cussler

  • President Georgi Antonov - Soviet President and Communist Party Chairman who authorizes Project Huckleberry Finn.
  • Captain Melvin Belcheron - Captain of the riverboat Stonewall Jackson for more than 30 years.
  • Oskar Belkaya - Soviet dissident and artist whose brainwashed memories are transplanted into the brain of the President.
  • George Blackowl - Acting supervisor and advance agent for the president's movements. Blackowl was in charge on a night when the president was abducted.
  • Madame Min Koryo Bougainville - Matriarch of the Bougainville shipping dynasty. She is eighty-nine years old, weighs about 89 pounds, and uses a wheelchair. When she was twelve her father sold her to a Frenchman named René Bougainville, who operated a small shipping line. She bore him three sons, but all three sons and her husband were killed during World War II, leaving only her and one grandson to run the company. She is driven by a mad need for revenge against the Americans who killed her husband and her three sons during World War II.
  • Martin Brogan - Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
  • Sal Casio - Private investigator who is attempting to find out what happened to Arta Casilighio/Estelle Wallace, who was his daughter. He found out that she disappeared on the San Marino and he lets Pitt know that the money she stole finally showed up more than 20 years later in dribs and drabs at foreign banks. Casio joins forces with Pitt and attempt to kill Min Koryo Bougainville at the very end of the book.
  • Lt. Commander Amos Dover - Captain of the Coast Guard cutter Catawaba.
  • Dr. Raymond Edgeley - Head of Project Fathom, the CIA program for mind intervention, who uses his methods and project equipment to intercept the Soviet control over the President and feed them false data.
  • Sam Emmett - Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  • Daniel Fossett - Presidential Chief of Staff.
  • Albert Giordino - Assistant Special Projects Director for the National Underwater and Marine Agency.
  • Lt. Ulysses S. Grant - Pilot of a four engine Navy reconnaissance plane who provides television coverage and commentary of the attempt to save the Vice President and Congresswoman Smith.
  • Ben Greenwald - Director of the Secret Service. While rushing to a meeting following the abduction of the President, he is killed when he broadsides a street sweeper that was making a U-turn in front of his car.
  • Senator Marcus Larimer - President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Larimer escapes with Congressman Moran and KGB agent Paul Suvorov from the Bougainville laboratory, but dies while trying to save passengers during the sinking of the Leonid Andreyev .
  • Major Leroy LaRoche - Travel agent, loving husband and father by day and commanding officer of the Sixth Louisiana Regiment of the Confederate States Army on the weekends.
  • Lt. Marty Lawrence - Catawaba officer in Amie Marie boarding party who dies mysteriously.
  • Oscar Lucas - Special Agent in charge of the Presidential Protection Division of the Secret Service.
  • Dr. Aleksei Lugovoy - Soviet representative to World Health Assembly, he is in fact a psychologist who specializes in the art of brainwashing. He is part of a plot between Madame Bougainville and the Soviet Union to kidnap the President of the United States, the Vice President, the Speaker of the House, and the President pro tempore of the Senate (the leader of the United States and the next three men in line), using a process called mind intervention, which brainwashes them and placing them under Soviet control.
  • Vincent Margolin - Vice President of the United States.
  • Dr. Julie Mendoza - Chairman of the regional emergency response team and a senior biochemical engineer for the Environmental Protection Agency. While attempting to recover the nerve agent from the Pilottown , Mendoza is killed when the volcano erupts, causing one of the drums to fall on her legs, piercing her contamination suit and bringing her in contact with the nerve agent.
  • Alan Mercier - National Security Adviser.
  • General Clayton Metcalfe - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • Congressman Alan Moran - Speaker of the House. Moran is described as manipulative, oily, and corrupt. After escaping from the Bougainville lab, Moran attempts to manipulate the situation and assume the presidency before the Vice President can be rescued.
  • Ensign Pat Murphy - Catawaba officer and part of Amie Marie boarding party, who dies from exposure to the nerve agent.
  • Douglas Oates - Secretary of State and the next in line to be president following the abductions of the next three men in the line of succession.
  • St. Julien Perlmutter - A giant of a man who weighs more than 400 pounds he's described as Santa Clause gone to seed. Perlmutter possesses what is acknowledged by experts as the finest collection of historical ship literature ever assembled.
  • Dirk Pitt - Special Projects Director for the National Underwater and Marine Agency.
  • Captain Yakov Pokofsky - Captain of the Soviet liner Leonid Andreyev on which the KGB is hiding Loren Smith, Congressman Moran, and Senator Larimer. The ship is later sunk as part of the Bougainville plot.
  • Vladimir Polevoi - Head of the Committee for State Security (KGB).
  • Admiral James Sandecker - Director of the National Underwater and Marine Agency
  • Jesse Simmons - Secretary of Defense.
  • Congresswoman Loren Smith - Second term congresswoman from the state of Colorado: she is also the on again-off again lover of Dirk Pitt.
  • Paul Suvorov - KGB officer in charge of monitoring Dr. Lugovoy. Convinced that the project does not have the backing of the Soviet government Surorov throws a monkey wrench into the brainwashing plan when he breaks out of the lab with two of the subjects.
  • Jack Sutton - An actor who routinely does an impersonation of the president in TV commercials and on comedy shows.
  • Lt. Commander Isaac Thayer - Catawaba medical officer who quarantines the Amie Marie before also succumbing to the nerve agent.
  • Lee Tong - Grandson of Madame Min Koryo Bougainville. A graduate of the Wharton Business School, he runs the Bougainville Maritime Line and its fleet of 138 cargo ships and tankers, though he keeps to the background and is not even listed as a director or employee of the company. He is primarily responsible for the dirty tricks department which built the base of the company.
  • Estelle Wallace (a.k.a. Arta Casilighio) - A teller at the Beverly-Wilshire bank who embezzles more than $128,000 after she discovered a passport under the seat of a Wilshire Boulevard bus that bore the name Estelle Wallace and a startling similarity in appearance to her own. She attempts her getaway on the cargo freighter San Marino bound for Auckland, New Zealand, when it is hijacked by Korean sailors working for Bougainville Maritime.
  • Hiram Yaeger - Computer guru for the National Underwater and Marine Agency.

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