The Waste Land is a long poem by T. S. Eliot. The poem is divided into five parts: "The Burial of the Dead," "A Game of Chess," "The Fire Sermon," "Death by Water" and "What the Thunder Said." The poem switches voices and subject matters, tracing the legend of the Holy Grail, various prophesies, alluding to the Western canon, Augustine of Hippo and Buddhist texts. The poem is satirical, apocalyptic and philosophical.
Boasting the largest collection of book summaries, BookRags is the best option for titles you can't find elsewhere. They offer all of the basics (quotes, chapter summary, characters, historical context, literary criticism) but also walk through a few major topics that recur throughout the book, which can be particularly useful for essay writing.
Their book summaries aren't as good as other providers, but PinkMonkey often has interesting insights that aren't mentioned elsewhere on the Internet. For example, they go over literary elements (like setting, conflict, and mood), compare and contrast, and symbolism/motifs. It's a good site if you want to find a unique fact or angle that other students don't know about.
You won't get any frills with GradeSaver -- just the content you expect. Their study guides include a full plot summary, themes and character analysis, study questions, and the e-text of the book. One hidden gem is their collection of literature essays, but you'll have to pay for it.