Markus Zusaks The Book Thief is a story about a young girl named Liesel as she struggles to find friends and family in World War II In the story Zusak uses Liesels feelings and bonds with her family and friends to show how forming ties with others can be a life changing event At the beginning of the story Zusak shows Liesel as a shy stubborn and timid girl but when she opens up to Hans she starts to talk and interact with more people Liesel would not get out of the car and she clung to she held
In the novel The Book Thief Marcus Zusak explores and compares the juxtaposition between great brutality and beauty in the human spirit The author demonstrates how the characters in the novel can overcome cruelty and ruthlessness with acts of extraordinary kindness and humaneness This is shown through the novel with Max and Liesels friendship when Hans gives one of the Jewish camp prisoners a piece of bread and when Rosa and Hans protect Max from the Nazis Zusak illustrates that a humans capaci
It feels good doesnt it To steal something back 483 This is a story about words and a young girls realization of their power Markus Zusaks The Book Thief was filled with eloquent descriptions and creative use of situational and sometimes cruel irony Also the research and time that went into making this story as historically accurate as possible is obvious in its writing One finds the characters full of depth and emotion such as the character of Liesel the main character Each of these character
thebadguy The Book Thief Love is an important theme in the book thief Love presents itself in all kinds of different forms on Himmel Street There is the love between parents and children There is the love between two people who share similar circumstances There is the love felt between friends There is even an unexpected love developed between employer and employee Love is used to hold people together and tear people apart Love is what creates every bond The story is set in Nazi Germany and the