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The Role of Power in the Fate of Animal Farm Essay


Critical evaluation

Qu. Examine the role of power in the fate of Animal Farm.

Recently I have read a novel called Animal Farm by George Orwell. I am going to examine the role of power in the fate of Animal Farm. I intend to write an essay in which I explain how power corrupts the main characters in Animal Farm.

Firstly I will talk about the rebellion; it takes place after the animals become fed up of Mr and Mrs Jones the first two human characters that we are introduced to in the novel. Mr Jones Reign of the farm lead to the animals not being fed and miss treated. So when evening came the animals were still not fed. This is what causes the animals to rebel. At last they could stand it no longer.

Now I am going to talk about a power struggle which took place between two of the main characters, snowball and Napoleon two very intelligent pigs. Ever since the taking of the farm there has been ongoing argument between these two as to what changes should be made around the farm. One argument that stands out the most in the novel and eventually decides who will win the power struggle is the debate over the windmill. But of all the controversies none was so bitter as the one that took place over the windmill. Here we see the power struggle at its worst and this happens very soon into the novel in chapter five.

Furthermore the windmill debate lead to the exile of snowball by napoleon. They dashed straight for snowball, who only sprang from his place just in time to escape their snapping jaws This shows that even before the windmill had come into play napoleon had reared these puppies to be aggressive dogs and to get rid of snowball.

Next the pigs begin to abuse there power and break the commandments. This starts to happen as soon as napoleon takes place as leader of Animal Farm. Whatever goes upon two legs an enemy This is an example of one of the seven commandments which was throughout the course of the novel broken by the pigs. The pigs begin to trade with the humans, this shows that Napoleons greed has went to the next level.

Before long the pigs are friends with the humans, making trades and drinking. This begins to become obvious nearer the end of the novel. Napoleon had accepted, through whymper, a contract. This shows that napoleon is going against everything that was said in the beginning making friends on the humans and engaging in trade.

By the end of the novel the pigs and the humans have clearly become the same with the pigs drinking, sleeping in beds, wearing clothing and basically acting like the ones that they rebelled against in the first place. Napoleon wearing an old bowler hat. This is key humans wear clothes not animals yet napoleon is wearing a hat.

In conclusion, by studying the text from Animal Farm I have been able to realise how power corrupts the main characters and eventually leads to the demise of Animal Farm. I have enjoyed reading about Animal Farm and finding out about Russian history.

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