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Caitlin in Dreamland Essay



The morning of Caitlins 16th birthday she woke up to a very hectic household. Come to find out her 18 year old sister Cass had run away in the middle of the night. Neither one of her parents could understand why; she had everything she could dream of. Cass was supposed to be attending Yale this coming fall, but her plans changed that night she decided to run away from home with her boyfriend. When Cass left she also left a birthday gift for Caitlin behind; it was a journal where she was to right down all of her dreams and the places she visited in dreamland.

Caitlin looked at it as a chance to try new things instead of constantly being shadowed by her older sister. She tried out for the school cheerleading squad and met this mysterious guy Rogerson Biscoe. Most of her friends in school had warned her about this guy. There had bin rumors that he got into some trouble in his previous years and her friend Rina her best friend just thought he wasnt her type.

Caitlin seems to have fallen into a semiconscious dreamland where nothing is quite real. Rogerson is different from anyone Caitlin has ever known. Hes magnetic. Hes compelling. Hes dangerous. Being with him lets Caitlin forget about everything else---her missing sister, her with drawn mother, her lackluster life. Then suddenly Rogerson starts becoming the bigger problem in her life. Caitlin finds herself to be in an abusive relationship. She was constantly hiding the bumps and burses that Rogerson had left on her.

This novel was overall very interesting to me. It had all the right genres that I am interested in. It had a mystery side to it but also telling an entertaining story while getting the meaning a crossed.

The setting to this novel varied. Caitlin was always out running doing business with her new boyfriend. She was also trying to juggle her new responsibilities with her school cheerleading squad. While her mother was on her case about her grades every now and then. She had a party life going on as well. Caitlin was lying to her parents more often just to go run around with Rogerson. Caitlin was spending less time with her friends from school and her teammates.

This novel is told by Caitlin herself there for it is in first person. She knows her internal battles that couldnt really be told in words. The POV affects me in many ways because she is telling her own compelling story the way she looks at it. If I was to overlook the situation I may have a different outlook on Caitlin and her issue or even if it was told by her sister, mother, father, or even Rogerson himself my feeling about each character is going to differ.

The main character Caitlin seems to me as if she was always shoved under the rug. Her older sister was always stealing the spot light kind of thing. So now that her sister is gone she gets to be the center of attention. Soon she finds out it isnt as easy as it looks. But with her parents worried about where Cass is and watching she on the TV show she is working on she gets to be freer; find herself. Shes taking changes and doing things she wouldnt even think about doing before.

Caitlin describes herself as the one no one understands. Shes different she doesnt necessarily follow in her sisters footsteps nor does she want to. She doesnt think about things to hard. Caitlin uses her time wisely.

Caitlin was telling her own story. What happened to her and what she went through. She kind of takes you on a journey of her life for a little bit. Having you step into her shoes. Its all coming from her so you see it how Caitlin sees it.

In my opinion the theme in this novel is very powerful. Its telling you that taking chances and making change is good, but evolving yourself around the right people and into a good environment is how to go about it. Its like the old saying make new friends but keep the old one, one is silver and the others gold. I think Caitlin failed to realize her friends were trying to help her even Mike Evan after she turned him down.

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