Distortion is an image of a thought or idea that appears to have a single affect on a society, but in actuality distortion provides an aspect that is totally different and multiple in nature. Often times in order for readers to understand the realism of today's society and the point that the author tries to make in presenting societies flaws, the writer must skillfully distort reality. In doing this the author urges the reader to engage in a deep thought process that forces them to see the realities of a situation, rather than perceiving reality to be simply good or evil based on the illusions held by individuals. In his novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley uses tomorrow's dystopia and distorts it by creating a utopian visage. By distorting religion and science, Huxley allows readers to realize the happiness that the inhabitants feel is in actuality the unhappiness they are trying to avoid.
Huxleys distortion of science and religion is very intricate, on the basis that the two are intertwined. Throughout the novel God is referred to as Ford, the creator of the Model T and the assembly line. This distortion creates an odd sense on religion in which people seem more like they are working then actually finding god in what they do. This perplexity creates a sense of pointlessness within the novel that looms with the reader, filling the entire society with an idea that there is no god, despite how hard the reader or characters in the novel may try and wish.
Science is also given a very odd distortion in Brave New World, throughout the novel science I seen as a bible that holds all the answer yet at the same time, the answer are never given. Children are bred into a class structure and people are unable to escape their roles in life. This fact also relates back to the pointlessness involved with religion, for what is the purpose of better ourselves in life if we cannot better the life we live.
This thought brings us into the distortion Huxley puts of the use of drugs or soma in the book. The New World society in the book; the people who make and enforce laws, deems that the use of soma in order to control negative emotions and provide social harmony. This view is distorted by both Huxleys own views on drugs as well as Societal, Huxley seems to believe that drugs are positive and can be used with positive benefits, whereas society deems drugs as a destructive behavior. However the novel ends with a giant likely drug induced chaotic orgy taking place, this distortion also shows Huxleys views on the negative and dangerous use of drugs.
In the end the whole world feels hollow, as if people are simply going through the motions and calling themselves alive. This distortion allows us to look at our world in a new light, and it is because of this distortion that Brave New World is considered the amazing book which it is.
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