In the two plays The Crucible by Arthur Miller and Fences by August Wilson, show the two main characters, Troy Maxson and John Proctor, have very similar themes, yet different lives that they both live. They both had similar conflicts, but they had different meanings for their conflicts.
Proctor tries his to best to be an oriented husband. He works hard and does his best to provide for his family. He provides his family with services and even has a maid that does most of the house work for his wife Elizabeth. He gets his income from his farm, in which he spends it on clothing, shelter, tools and ingredients for food. He has two little boys and he tries to be a good example to them. He teaches them how to do everyday jobs that have a huge impact on everyday life.
Troy is an oriented husband to his family as well. He bought their house with the military money his brother Gabriel got from his war injury. He also got promoted in his job from a trash boy, to a higher-income, more stable job as the driver of the truck. He came home at the end of the week with his pay check, and spent it on the essentials that his family needed. He also tried his absolute best with the experience and knowledge he knew to teach Cory about responsibility and basically how to be a man.
While John was a loyal husband and an oriented husband as well, he did commit one sin that might disprove his loyalty to his wife and family. He committed the sin of adultery with Abigail Williams. Even though he never told anybody, his wife Elizabeth, knew exactly what he did, but he never confronted her about it. It wasnt going to affect them, but once they got in the court room, it really came back to hurt them both real badly. If either one of them would have confronted the other about the adultery situation, the court would have realized Abigail was lying, and would have the hangings of all the people.
Troy Maxson was in a similar situation as well. He had also committed adultery with a lady named, Alberta. But he admitted to it, and as a result, she still lived with him because Alberta had the baby before she died. Rose decided to keep the baby because; she didnt want to leave the baby up for adoption. So she told Troy, Youre a womanless man now Troy.
John was very strong willed man. He spoke his mind on what he thought was right, and how people should be treated. He went against the court when he knew that they were wrong and tried to convince them that he is right. When he signed the treaty claiming that he committed witchcraft, he wouldnt let them put it up on the church door.
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