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Juliet's Predicament in Act 3 Scene 5 Essay


Consider how Juliets predicament is portrayed in Act 3 Scene 5

Juliet finds herself in a predicament in Act 3 Scene 5 as she has had to deal with the death of her cousin Tybalt, who was killed by Romeo and Romeo has been banished to Mantua. This is devastating for Juliet as she is madly in love with Romeo and they are officially married. Juliet is very distressed about the situations she has found herself in and to make matters worse she is to marry Paris whom she doesnt aspire to marry as her heart is devoted to Romeo.

By Act 3 Scene 5, it seems Juliet has been forced into maturity due to the number of disasters that have occurred. She has had to deal with a lot in a short space of time but in a mature way.

At the beginning of the play, Juliet came across as a quiet and obedient girl whom was willing to do whatever her Mother said and give her permission to who ever her Father wanted her to marry.

This all changes in Act 3 Scene 5 as we learn how quick-thinking Juliet really is. In this scene there is a lot of dramatic irony for the audience as the word joyful is used a number of times between lines 109-118. This is ironic as the scene is not joyful. It will not be a joyful time for Juliet but the complete opposite.

Every time the scene uses the word, joyful or joy irony is present because the situation is everything but joyful.

When Lady Capulet swears to have vengeance for Tybalts death and send a man to Mantua to poison Romeo, Juliet replies,

Indeed I never shall be satisfied,

With Romeo, till I behold him- dead-

Is my poor heart,

So for a kinsman vexed.

This quote has a double meaning as it signifies two completely different things. Lady Capulet misinterprets Juliets reply. She thinks Juliet is saying that she will not be satisfied until Romeo is dead and until he is she will remain troubled and sorry for Tybalts death. However Juliet means the exact opposite of what her Mother is assuming.

In actual fact Juliet is saying that she will be happy when she is with Romeo but as she waits for him she feels her heart is broken/dead without him. We know this is what Juliet is saying as the use of hyphens gives it this effect of a double meaning. The first, being Lady Capulet's impression of what Juliet declares and second the audience.

Juliet therefore demonstrates about her character, that she is clever and witty in the way she deals with her Mother seeing that she used dramatic pauses when speaking to her Mother to trick her into thinking she means something else.

As mentioned before Shakespeare provides the situation with much irony.

Capulet decided that Juliet should marry Paris now so she can take her mind of Tybalts death, assuming she is miserable over the death of her cousin Tybalt.

When Lady Capulet breaks this news to Juliet the language used is very ironic. The word, joyful is repeated several times between lines 104-118 which makes it ironic as day will not be joyful for Juliet however Lady Capulet is unaware if this.

When Juliet hears the news, she too replies using irony in her language as she uses the word, joyful which is the word that provides this scene with dramatic irony.

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