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Overview of Chinese Cinderella Essay


Chinese Cinderella is a heartbreaking story of a young Chinese girl who is disgraced and unwanted all her life by her own family. Adeline's mother died shortly after her birth due to complications bought on by Adelines delivery. So, from birth she has been considered bad luck. Life doesnt get any easier when Adeline's father remarries a seventeen year old French woman. She and her siblings are subjected to the disdain of her stepmother, while her stepbrother and stepsister are spoiled. Since, their stepmother hates them, it would be a good idea to stick together and help each other. Yet, Adelines siblings seem to think that taking out their frustrations out on Adeline and treating her even worse than before is the answer. Despite that, she finds some solace in relationships with her grandfather Ye Ye, and her Aunt Baba, but they are taken from her. However, in the end shes able to get away from the people that caused her pain throughout her life and go to school in England for what her father wanted, obstetrics. Later, Adeline transferred for what she really wanted to do, writing. Shes married now with two lovely children. Adeline has always talked about finding a place where she truly belongs in her book, I think shes found that place now with her family.

Throughout the autobiography, theres a lot of symbolism expressed through items about Adeline. In the next few paragraphs, Ill tell you about symbols that demonstrates Adeline and Adelines feeling towards her pernicious family.

Two weeks after Adelines birth, her mother died, which made it impossible for her to know her own mother. Since, then shes longed for even a tiny trace of her mother. One day after school, Adeline came home with silver medal, Aunt Baba noticed it immediately and went to get her safe-deposit box. When Aunt Baba put Adelines award in the box, she felt that Aunt Baba thought her award was some precious irreplaceable jewel. However, when Aunt Baba went to close the box, a picture fell out of it. Adeline thought it was her parents and asked Baba Is this a picture of father and dead mama?. Sadly, the answer was no. Adeline asked more questions about her mom, hoping to get a yes, but still nos for replies. Then, she asked Do I look like her?, no reply from Baba. Her persistence shows her hope and optimism for her mother,(which is brought on by the safe-deposit box). Knowledge of her mom is just something else Adeline cant have in her life, but wants and needs so badly.

When Adeline arrived in Shanghai she had to start at a new school, but she only had her school uniform to start school with. Her school was a mile and a half from her house and as her brother said By the time we get there, itll be time to turn around and go home again . So, the only way to get to school fast was by a tram. However Adelines father hadnt given her any money to ride it. Seeing that, was the only way get some where efficiently. Adeline had to ask her grandfather Ye Ye, who which happily gave her and her siblings the money. After two months Ye Yes money ran out, leading him to tell Niang and Adelines father about the tram fare. Niang did not take the thought of her stepchildren getting money from Ye Ye well. She ordered the children to realize their wrong, come to apologize to her and in exchange she would give them coins to ride the tram. Adelines siblings gave in easily, Big Sister was the first on to cave in and then after her, Adelines brothers. While, all of her siblings gave in to Niangs ways Adeline didnt,

even when her sister counted her coins in front of Adelines face. She couldnt bring her self to go ask Niang for money. In her book Adeline says I simply couldnt force myself to go to Niang and admit that I (and therefore Ye Ye) had erred in the past. Besides, it just didnt seem right to betray him, especially when I had asked him for the money from him in the first place. After, those sentences she talks about a time when she walked in the rain to get to school, Adeline gritted her teeth and bared through it. Adeline showed true loyalty, but courage too. She could have just apologized and got coins for the tram, but didnt. You might think show that she scared of Niang, but by not taking the coin she takes a silent stand for Ye Ye and herself. Thus, proving her loyalty and courage.

Despite the torture and bitter anguish, Adeline went though at home. There was one thing that could make her for get she was an unwanted child, writing. However, Adeline came upon writing by accident. It started when Mrs. Lin (her teacher) gave a homework assignment called My Best Friend. Most of the girls in her class wrote about their moms. Since, Adeline didnt know her mom., she wrote about her Aunt Baba. Mrs. Lin gave her high marks and pinned her composition on the bulletin board. After that, writing became what Adeline called a pure pleasure. Whenever she could, Adeline wrote. Many of her stories were incredible tales of herself as the daring character, Mulan, saving Ye Ye and Aunt Baba from harms way. To Adelines classmates, her stories became more surreal. With the pen name, no mane, Adeline was able to escape the horrors of my daliy life in such a simple way. Now, shes a writer still writing fantastic tales, but with a more grown up take to them.

After Adelines father and Niang returned from Tianjin, the Huangs came to visit and they came baring gift for all of the kids. In a large cardboard box with countless holes in it, there were seven baby ducklings. As usual, Franklin and Susan (step-siblings) chose first, then Lydia, Gregory, Edgar and James (siblings) took their pick, and last it was Adeline's turn. She was left with smallest and scrawniest bird. After some time, with PLT (Precious Little Treasure) Adeline felt loved and needed for once, something she never got from her family. PLT meant everything to Adeline, she was like her baby. She used to race home from school to take PLT in her hands and cuddle with her. However, nothing ever stays for long in Adelines life. One afternoon, when the weather was hot, Adelines father suggested that the family go to the garden and see if Jackie (dog) was obedient. Once they were in the garden, he ordered Gregory to get one of the ducklings. Gregory got PLT, making Adeline very upset. Adelines father picked up PLT and her released her in the center of the lawn. PLT stood still in the grass for a while, but then noticed Adeline and started to waddle towards her. Jackie ran over to PLT and chomped on her leg. Adelines father followed after Jackie and took him off of PLT, but it was to late. PLT s leg was dangling from her side, blood everywhere. Without a word, Adeline ran over

PLT s side, cradling her. She rushed PLT upstairs and wrapped her best school scarf around PLT. Soon after, Adeline dozed off. When she awoke, Adeline found PLT dead, gone forever. PLT was the only pet she ever had, the only one besides Aunt Baba that she could count on. Thanks to her brother, Precious Little Treasure would be no more.

Adeline loved school, especially since at home she was considered inferior and insignificant. It was the only place she ever felt like she belonged at, the only pace she was treated equally. At St Joseph's, the school Adeline attended, marks where added together every Friday, and the girl with the highest total received a silver medal, which she could wear pinned on her breast pocket for the entire week. Adeline was the first child to receive the silver medal and she continued to receive it every week. Adelines father immediately noticed when she wore the medal, it was the only time he ever showed pride in her. At the end of the school term, there was a prize-giving Adeline got a special award for wearing the weekly medal more than anyone else. Everyone clapped for her as got her award. All of the students had someone from their family their with them, except for Adeline. At school, she was welcomed and liked, something that was the opposite at home. No one really encouraged Adeline academically except for her Aunt Baba, her siblings hated her for doing well in school. However, it didnt prevent Adeline from succeeding. She persevered and become the person she is today despite her horrid childhood.

Chinese Cinderella isnt a autobiography you should cry over, its one that should make you feel proud. If Adeline can through everything that happen to her and still be ok, then maybe we can too. She shows that if you persevere, you can have your happy ending. Just like in Cinderella, in the she ends up with the prince, something that most people wouldnt expect from a girl like her. Yet, it happened for her. Something that we dont thing are possible, can just come out of nowhere and change us for the better, but only if we let them

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