The Flood stories from the Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh
There are a lot of flood stories around the world. We have read two of them, one from the Epic of Gilgamesh told by Utnapishtim, and one from the Genesis in the Bible, about Noah.
The first thing to think about is why the flood arrived and how the hero was warned. In the story of genesis from the bible, the people were to violent and mean except Noah. So god noticed that and decided to destroy all human beings on earth except Noah. Noah was nice man believed in god and followed God, and god warned Noah to build a boat for survival.
In this paragraph I will talk about the Sumerian gods. In the story Gods bring floods because the people were too noisy and did not let the gods go to sleep and rest and gods decided to bring flood. And Ea who was against the flood warned Utnapishtim to build a boat for himself and animals and his family.
In both stories men did the something to prepare for the flood. For Noah God told him to build a boat of 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. And Noah did the something God told him to do. Then took his whole family in the boat and animals.
In the story of Gilgamesh Ea told him to build a boat shape of square of 120 cubic on each sides. And cover I with a pitch so it wont leak. Put the crafts man and your family in the boat. And he did the something Ea told him to do.
After the flood the men did similar things but have different experiences. In the story of Genesis the flood lasted 40 days and all people and animals were dead. And God says that there will be no floods around the world.
In the story of Gilgamesh the flood was 7 days and gods went to the higher mountain to protect themselves and all of the people and animals were dead except Utnapishtim.
In both stories men sending the birds to check if the flood is gone. And after the flood both were blessed by God/gods, and Noah will become the ancestor of all humans, but Utnapishtim will live forever.
From both stories I heard that God/gods felt sorry about people. And in both stories were old and interesting.
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