1984 theme essay
Seeing many government caused ills such as poverty and discrimination against people in low standings socially, George Orwell used experiences from his own life to build the theme of anti-utopia in civilians caused by their government in the book 1984. 1984 was published in 1949 and was as poignant then as it is today in expressing the causes of government interference in its civilians lives
Orwells personal experiences gave him his opinions on the hardships that governments cause. He spent large amounts of time in his life in poverty as a child and as an adult. As a child he was in a middle class family and while he was still very smart, his classmates in school persecuted him for his and his familys low social standings causing his sensitivity to social victimization (Blair, Eric Arthur). Orwell also went into self imposed poverty as an adult after he left the cruel conditions in the Spanish civil war and discovered how the poor is exploited (Blair, Eric Arthur)( Orwells experiences in this poverty caused his strong beliefs to come out in his writings he wrote around that time. Especially the ones written during the Spanish civil war in which he was a part of the rebellion trying to stop the government from causing these woes (Novels for Students vol. 3)(
These writings George Orwell each gives at least one opinion Orwell gave in the book 1984. Feeling his time was son to come, Orwell almost certainly felt the need to conclude his deeds to society through his work with a book which sums up his distaste for the socialist point of view. In Orwells books he most often used protagonists who try to diverge from government systems that resemble the Socialist Party such as in his book Animal Farm (Novels for Students vol. 3)( In 1984 he also shows this concept through the main character Winston who tries with all his might to rebel from the government but in the end he realizes it is futile and decides to love it instead (1984 p. 280)( Also in the essay Why I Write, Orwell informs that the main purpose that he writes is to show the malevolence of the socialist government (TCLC 31)( Orwell shows the malevolence of the socialist government by exaggerating some conditions this kind of government causes which is the telescreen and how it is always watching you (1984 p. 2-3)( These few facts and many more direct us to the knowledge of Orwell believing this was his final work and felt the need to conclude his life with a concluding book.
George Orwell used both the events that took place in his life and the writings he has done before in build the book 1984. Because of the events that had happened in Orwells life his opinion on Socialism was set. Because of this he felt the need to express this and did so in the book 1984 many times. The way Orwell depicts the government the reader may not right of way know that Orwell is really describing the Socialist Party. This description of the government leads the readers feelings to distain and anger and when they see the principals of the government in 1984 used in their life they will protest fulfilling Orwells final goal which is bringing down the Socialist Party. In many other books and writings of George Orwell, Orwell tried to do this, however as he went through life he gained more reasons to dislike this form of government and was not able to put them all into one book. Each book he wrote had a few of the principals he wanted to convey, but only 1984 was able to express all the principals he found during his life to have the feeling of abhorrence against the Socialist Party. This being his final work he was able to put all the principals he gained into one metaphorically written piece of work.
In conclusion, George Orwells prophetic book 1984 uses Orwells life experiences in the field of the Socialist Party and the pains he suffered due to it, and also uses all of Orwells works in writing in a summary of Orwells life spent in opposition with the party.
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