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Morality in A Christmas Carol Essay


A Christmas Carol is a morality tale by Charles Dickens of an old and bitter miser, Ebenezer Scrooge, who undergoes a profound experience of redemption over the course of one night. The setting of the story takes place in London, England in 1943 during the time of the Industrial Revolution. In the story, Marley, Scrooges dead business partner, surprises Scrooge with three ghosts to teach him a lesson The Ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Future. The Ghosts show him different scenes in his life to stop him from being so cruel. Some people do not enjoy the story during Christmas. They think it is a very unhappy story. But Christmas is the perfect time to read the story. Christmas is the perfect time to learn about yourself and change for the better. The following paragraph will explain what the three ghosts showed Scrooge.

The first spirit, The Ghost of Christmas Past, leads Scrooge on a journey into some of the happiest and saddest moments of Scrooge's past, events that would largely shape the current Scrooge. These include the loss of a great love sacrificed for his devotion to business, and the death of his sister Little Fran, the only other person who ever showed love and compassion for him. The second spirit, The Ghost of Christmas Present, shows him the meager but happy Christmas celebrations of Bob Cratchit, Scrooges clerk, and his family, the sweet nature of their son Tiny Tim, and foretells a possible early death for the child. The Ghost also shows the faith of Scrooge's nephew in his uncle's potential for change, a concept that slowly warms Scrooge to the idea that he can reinvent himself. The third spirit, The Ghost of Christmas Present, frightens Scrooge more than the others, and shows him the Cratchit family without Tiny Tim. The ghost also shows Scrooge some people who were joking about his death and funeral. Scrooge learns that he can avoid the future he has been shown and alter the fate of Tiny Timbut only if he changes.

Christmas is a time for learning about yourself and trying to change for the better. In the story, Scrooge is a very cruel man. But then he sees what he has done and wants to change because he is terrified of his future. When people read the story, they want to learn about themselves and maybe even change to become better people. The story has a very positive message. In real life, of course, ghosts will not show up at peoples houses to show them their past, present, and future. People will just have to learn on their own and change on their own. I think that A Christmas Carol is the perfect story for this time of year. People can discover what is truly meaningful in life. We have to appreciate all the important aspects in life. Family and friends are very important in ones life. In the story, Scrooge begins to feel affection for Tiny Tim, Mr.Cratchits son. Scrooge is afraid that Tiny Tim will die. For Scrooge, changing wasnt just doing it and getting over with it, he knew it was right and wanted to do it. Its really amazing how quickly he changed for the better.

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