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Dictatorship in Lord Of The Flies Essay


Dictatorship is a slightly barbaric form of government that mistreats its citizens, and is ineffective. Peoples mental welfare is in danger, because of the stress and trepidation of trying to live through another day. Also, they live in apprehension of being hurt or, in the case of Lord of the Flies, going crazy. Lawlessness is unhealthy for children and adults, and so a solid government is essential for happiness.

Under dictatorship, many citizens feel incredible fear and deep unhappiness. Samneric from Lord of the Flies experienced both of these emotions when they were captured by Jack, and Ralph was unable to save them. Once captured, Samneric lay looking up in quiet terror. Roger advanced upon them as one wielding a nameless authority(p.182). Because of torture, which is common in dictatorship for those who dont fully support the dictator, Samneric ended up obeying Jack out of dread. This is not a good way to run people, because eventually they will rebel. Dictators can also manipulate citizens using fear. In Lord of the Flies, Jack leads the others to believe that Simon is the beast, and the boys murder Simon. Ralph and Piggy feel guilty, and say, Didnt you see what we what they did? It was an accident we got to forget this (p.157). Since dictators lead by fear, they control people and force them to do things they do not want to do, which is not what anyone but the dictator likes.

Dictators go to great lengths to gain power. People get punished or killed if they get in the way. Goldings Piggy had common sense and a clear head in bad situations, so he was gotten rid of. Roger pushed a large boulder at Piggy, so Piggy fell 40 feet and landed on his back across the square red rock in the sea. His head opened and stuff came out and turned red. Jack didnt want Piggy to help Ralph regain power, so his dictator instincts told Jack to get rid of any opposition so there would be no diversity. Diversity is essential because without it, you get stuck in a downward spiral of the same bad views and there are no new ideas to get you out. Another example of punishing opposition was when Samneric were hurt by one of Jacks tribe members. He (Ralph) heard fresh noises cries of pain from Samneric, cries of panic, angry voices. Someone besides himself was in trouble, for at least one of the twins was catching it. Dictators, like Jack, use pain and suffering to get ahead. Only when they have ultimate control do they feel safe.

Without laws or a government, peoples inner evil and wild nature is revealed. In Lord of the Flies, all of the boys were turned into savages in several different ways. The navy officer had guessed, We saw your smoke. What have you been doing? Having a war or something? The officer did not even know the level at which the war (caused by Jack doubting Ralph) was at. The battle was between the only good left on the island (represented by Ralph) and the evil of dictatorship. The boys had turned into lawless animals, and were going crazy. The boys were so uncivilized, one boy forgot his own name. Percival Wemys Madison sought in his head for an incantation that had faded clean away. Ralph had tried to have a list of names, but Jack didnt even bother. Dictatorships do not care about anyones personal welfare. Ralph had also tried to keep a fire going for smoke so they could be saved, showing that he cared for the welfare of the entire group. Jack only cared about the fire for roasting the pigs. Dictatorship is an uncivilized government, and so is ineffective for each individuals personal welfare.

Dictatorship is ineffective, but so are other governments. Will there ever be a government that is completely effective? If so, will the entire world adopt it, or will we wallow in systems of the past? In Lord of the Flies, by no fault of their own, the boys chose an ineffective government that should be left in the past so every nation can move forward.

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