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The Supernatural in Macbeth Essay


Exhibits of supernatural activities were used throughout Macbeth, and indication of this was brought out in the appearance of the three Witches. When Shakespeare was around they did not use special effects in plays. As a result, the dramatic performances and the thrilling scene were the elemental qualities to producing a great play. Shakespeare used the aspect of the unfamiliar to inducing fear in the minds of his audience. Since the witches could see into the future it made the play more suspenseful. The witchs prophecies about Macbeths future, they intrigue the audience to see if they are exact. The Witches were a symbol of evil, and Shakespeare uses this fear of the devil to give his plays an additional unnatural and haunting effect. Shakespeare also used an evil character that can easily influence the main character in his stories; in this case, it was Lady Macbeth. It is essential that Lady Macbeth and the three Witches create the plot of Macbeth. Without the Witches powers of foretelling the future and the evil persuasions of his wife, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth would have never become king.

Macbeth is appalled at the notion of killing Duncan, his King and kinsman, but he eventually gives in to the evil forces and this directs him to his downfall. Macbeth compromises his honor by arranging the murder of his best friend, Banquo. Scared, Macbeth fears he is going to be caught for the crime he has done and thinks theres no way getting around the situation. Stressed out he imagines he sees Banquo at the dinner party and shows that he is going more and more insane every day.Throughout the play, Macbeth dramatically changes. He was tortured with regret after he had Banquo killed but when he heard the assassination had went successfully he was overjoyed. With Macbeths vaulting ambitions, it was driving him to extreme measures and he could do nothing to stop it. He had risked hes life to reach the throne and there was no other way to do that without deceitful practices. When Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo it horrifies him. Shakespeare uses irony to make Banquo surfacing very dramatic.

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