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Innocent Love in Romeo and Juliet Essay


Innocent Love

Innocent love is what you get around youre teenage years and you think you have just found the one. Everyone thinks of it as something sweet and, of course, innocent, but what if I were to tell you that it could have fatal consequences? You would probably be shocked or in disbelief, I mean who wouldnt. Romeo and Juliet, a play written by William Shakespeare, is a play about two teenagers lost in innocent love, love that leads to a horrible outcome, the death of the two lovers. Romeo and Juliet are the most to blame for their deaths because, even though, they knew that they were each others sworn enemies they still decided to risk their lives and continue on with their relationship.

Their troubles start during Act I, when Romeo finds out about a big party, hosted by the Capulets, thats going to happen later that evening and he decides that hes going to crash it. As the day goes on things start to get worse. When Romeo and Juliet first meet they have absolutely no clue who they are, so no blame there, but after they find out their true identities. The Montagues and the Capulets, Romeo and Juliets respective families, are sworn enemies. They are constantly fighting and cause havoc so at this point in the families feud, Romeo and Juliet know that having a relationship is extremely risky, even fatal. Once they married, Romeo killed Tybalt, Juliets cousin, and when the Capulet family found out it just made things more horrible for our two lovers. This along with other problems but a huge amount of pressure on both of them, to a point that Juliet faked her own dead, the night before he arranged marriage was supposed to happen. When Romeo found out the Juliet died he quickly rushed to Juliets grave where he drank some quick acting poison. A short time after that Juliet wakes up only to find her Romeo a bloody mess, and without hesitation takes Romeos dagger and kills herself.

People may argue that it wasnt their fault they died, because other people did create more problems, or helped unite them but after everything they are the ones that decided to be together and they are the ones that voluntarily killed themselves. So after you recognize all the facts youll realize that Romeo and Juliet are the most to blame for their deaths.

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