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Melinda in Speak Essay


One might say, after undergoing a tragic experience one must go through a greater, but difficult change. What would make a person want to change? That person could have been depressed and miserable for the longest time. They are sick and tired of feeling that way. That person is ready to change. They want to make their own lives better. The journey they are about to experience is called healing. In Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, the main character Melinda Sordino is starting high school with a terrible secret and without any friends. At an end of summer party, Melinda was raped by a senior. Dazed and drunk, she called the police but left before they arrived. Now everyone thinks she called the police to break up the party. Everyone is mad at her, including her group of good friends from middle school. Melinda has told no one, not even her parents. She carries the burden of this alone, confused and inwardly tortured. Once a happy girl, she is now depressed, withdrawn and hardly ever speaks. Ever since that night, Melinda has been depressed and isolates herself from everybody else: she is ready to begin a journey of healing.

It is the first day of high school, and Melinda has entered school with the wrong clothes, hair, and attitude. Every ninth grader heads to the auditorium and falls into cliques; except for Melinda she thinks, I am Outcast (Anderson 4). Melinda is hated by many for what she has done. She has no friends, the friends she had despise her now. Also, she knows that she does not fit in with anybody. Melinda heads for the seniors wing trying to avoid Mr. Neck. She happens to stumble upon a closet and narrates, This closet is abandoned--it has no purpose. It is the perfect place for me (Anderson 26). Melinda has found a place where she can feel safe. At her own house she feels like an alien, but not in her closet. It is considered a safe haven for her. Melinda is in the stage of healing, where she wants to be alone.

Melinda is starting to show emotion in her art, and is able to express it in that way. After Thanksgiving, Melinda starts making a sculpture out of turkey bones and narrates, I glue bones to a block of wood, arranging the skeleton like a museum exhibit. I find knives and forksand glue them so it looks like they are attacking the bones (Anderson 63). Melindas sculpture shows emotion of pain. It shows how she really is feeling inside. She is able to express her feelings toward art, rather than speaking. Its winter break and Melindas home for the holidays. While opening her present, Melinda narrates, I almost tell them right then and there. Tears flood my eyes. They noticed Ive been trying to draw (Anderson 72). On Christmas Day there are glimpses of the concern and care Melinda's parents have for her. Just a little more tenderness from them might bring the words from Melinda that she so desperately needs to share with them. Actually noticing her makes her feel loved. Melinda is beginning to show interests in something.

Each day is now becoming a struggle for Melinda to keep her secret. While in the mall, Melinda narrates, I should probably tell someone, just tells someone. Get it over with. Let it out, blurt it out (Anderson 99). Melinda is tired of holding this secret she has. She just wants to tell someone, so the burden will go away. Melinda wants her life back. Waiting for the bus in a blizzard, Mr. Freeman offers Melinda a ride. While in the car, Melinda listens to Mr. Freeman say, When people dont express themselves, they die one piece at a time (Anderson 122). Mr. Freeman wants Melinda to be able to express her emotions into her art. Ironically, what Mr. Freeman said is what really is happening to Melinda. Melinda wants to change; she is tired of being depressed.

Melinda is finally becoming her own person; she is ready to move on. Melinda is in P.E. and playing a tennis match against Nicole. After the game, Melinda narrates, Im tough enough to play and strong enough to winit would be the only glory of a really sucky year if I beat someone at something (Anderson 170). Melinda feels she could achieve at something. All she wants to do is be good at something. Melinda is strong that she can survive through the day with the secret she has, and is tough enough to face her fear everyday. Its the last week of school and Melinda is cleaning out her closet at school. She is trapped in the closet with Andy Evans and narrates, I reach in and wrap my fingers around a triangle of glass. I hold it to Andy Evans neck. He freezes (Anderson 195). Melinda is facing her fear: the person that raped her. She finally stands up for herself. Melinda has healed and has found closure.

Melinda has gone through her journey of healing, and no longer feels depressed and isolated. She has found her inner strength to face her fears and move on. Melindas transformation was remarkable. She started her freshman year out as an outsider and ended up feeling confident and rejuvenated. So many victims of sexual assault are trapped inside their minds, kind of like the way this book reads. Like a series of letters, trapped from within someone else's mind. They are afraid to tell their story, for fear they will not be believed. But finding that one outlet that builds your inner strength gives you the courage to face your fears.

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