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Amanda in The Glass Menagerie Essay


The Glass Menagerie Amandas traits

Amanda is a really old lady thats stuck in the past but she is really trying to look in the future. That is what she calls in her own words plans in provisions . That is one of the traits that I think she has and that is craziness. She is very single minded for her children, that is why she comes across as the annoying and the nagging type; the type that goes crazy when you have elbows on the dinner table type . The good thing that I can really say about Amanda is that that she really doesnt think too much about herself. Another trait that she has that I can describe is that she is very controlling. She takes her mothering to the extreme at times. Perfect example in the story she suffocates Tom to the extreme degree. Sometimes really making him go crazy and do things that he does not want to do and try to do, and that what makes him want to leave. That really makes me think that she really misses the husband of hers. Maybe sometimes she tries to be so controlling because she doesnt want to lose another man in her life, like she lost her husband. Even though in the story Amanda doesnt seem like she tries to attach much emotional values to marriage, she really sees it is a great tool for her daughter to be supported by a man. That is why Amanda started freaking out when tom told her a man was coming home with her daughter. Now immediately she freaks out and wants to make the house clean as possible to impress the guest.

My last trait that Amanda has is denial. She has really never said anything about him other than that he was very good looking and charming. She is very controlling about the situation when she talks, showing no signs of being sad or hurt. Even though Amanda does have a lot of flaws and a lot of bad traits, we do have to come to realization that she is just being a mother and not all mothers are the same and understanding. She does have a point, because tom does need to be a man and support them, because if he doesnt, they would be homeless.

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