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Literary Devices in To Kill A Mocking Bird Essay


“To kill a mockingbird” is a novel written by Harper Lee and was published in 1960. Harper Lee uses language and various techniques to explore the ideas of family and communities through Scout’s looking from Boo’s point of view. Scout uses her own imagination of how the community would react to Boo when they saw him escorting Scout to his ‘prison house’, this would proved to the reader and community that Boo is innocent and harmless.

Harper Lee uses imagery to describe how characters in the past did not know Boo for who he was. The children believed Stephanie Crawford’s rumour about Boo stabbing his father in the knee with a knife. This made the children feel unsafe, unsecure and thinking that Boo is dangerous. However, in the extract, Harper Lee uses Scout’s imagination to create an effect and to visualise how Stephanie Crawford would reacted if she had seen Boo “Arthur Radley escorting me … as any gentlemen would do.” This shows us that Boo was not the person as people had described him. Everyone had different point of view of the community.

Harper Lee uses listing to made reader understand what neighbours should or should not behave to each other. “Neighbours bring…in between” this show how the author wanted the community if Maycomb lived back then. However, as the author was in Scout’s point of mind, the author now realize how Scout had mistreated and regrets her past action. She now sees Boo as her “neighbours” as he gave them “two soaps dolls, a broken watch…

but we had given him nothing and it made me sad

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