Jem and Scout are both children of a passionate lawyer, Atticus Finch. The children are exposed to experiences that shape their right and wrong. Both kids have their own ways of dealing with the wrongs and both end up with 2 different conclusions on how the human race behaves.
Jem and Scout are exposed to life changing experiences at a very young age. One experience is with Boo Radley who was the mysterious man who never leaved his house, and they always thought he was evil and they were all afraid of him, but then he saved them from being attacked but during the attack Jem was knocked out could so he never saw who saved them but Scout did. That is when she knew that they were wrong that Boo Radley didnt stay in his house because he is evil but stayed in because the world was evil and he did not want to be a part of it. Jem was also exposed to a life changing event and that is the Tom Robinson trail. In the trail he learns how mean a race can be to another race, to Jem after Atticus presented the evidence to the Jury it seemed like Tom would have won for sure but he didnt really know about the racism that happens and was shocked when he was proven guilty. Both the children went through a hard childhood with discrimination a big part of their lifes and just a regular day could have had a life altering change.
When Jem and Scout get something wrong thrown in front of them like discrimination, hate, violence they both have their own ways to deal with these conflicts which say a lot about their personality and character. Scout likes to get down and dirty when she tries to solve something because she gets into a lot of fights at school and she doesnt see anything wrong with that, and she isnt afraid to tell the obvious when she is in a conflict. This shows Scout is a very independent person and can defend herself for the most part. Jem on the other hand likes to solve things slowly and more maturely and often sees his father as a role model as how he should act, think, and solve conflicts. He can usually talk his way out of conflicts with Scout who is angry of his growing independence. The way he handles a conflict shows his personality as a calm, and quite but independent person.
Both the conflicts that the kids are exposed to changed their lifes and how they dealt with those conflicts makes them arrive at two different views on what the human race is, how we acts and most importantly why we discriminates against our own kind. Jem never saw Boo Radley rescue him from the attack and maybe he never found out that the so called evil Boo Radley wasnt as evil as he thought but this final conflict shows him that we are a viscous race that cant be saved if we attack our own kind, and after the trail he believes that even more. Scout probably believed the same thing as Jem until she starts to find the things in the tree that she believes are from Boo Radley. The conflict that Atticus faces is another conflict that she bases things off of. She sees someone a lone Whiteman trying to help a black man against a town that wants them both dead. She also believed Boo Radley was evil until he saved Jem and her. These conflicts lead her to see a nicer side of the human race that there is hope and anyone who tries to make a difference can.
Jem and scout deal with their conflicts differently which says things about their personality, theyre both independent. These conflicts also leave different views from both of them about how the world works and acts this probably changed their life complete. The experiences in this book change them and the author hopes it changed us. We all have different conclusions on how the Human race behaves.
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