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Characterization in The Canterbury Tales Essay


An author has six ways of creating characterization. Geoffrey Chaucer is known to be the English poet. The story is about a few people, who tell their tales of pilgrimage. In the story of The Canterbury Tales, the Chaucer uses characterization to reveal the character of the knight and the wife of bath in three ways.

The first person to be revealed is the knight. He is described in three ways his looks, actions and personality are what set him apart, and show what he is like. The Chaucer first describes him as a true perfect gentle knight. He has fine horses, not gaily dresses. Wore a fustian tunic, stained and dark, and armor. He was truthful, honorable, generous, noble and very courteous. His actions say a lot about this knight, he had been there when they had taken Alexandria when in Granada, under assault, he was there, and he was a very wise man, as they describe the knight.

The second is the wife of bath. This woman was somewhat deaf, she was bent. Her face was bold, and handsome, and red in hue. She had gap teeth, large hips. She liked to laugh and chat. She also had quite a temper. The Chaucer has a way to characterize each character in his tales. Most of the womans actions are what shows how shes really like and her character comes to life.

Characterization is used to bring a character to life. To make them seem realistic in a story. It shows you, they give the characters, looks, a personality, and actions by which they come out at you like as if describing a real person. You can easily see how that character might seem like, by the way they describe him or her, you can get an idea of what they might just seem like, or by how the character speaks to you.

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