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Detail in The Canterbury Tales Essay


In the Canterbury Tales we are introduced to the sound and mind of Geoffrey Chaucer. Who was at the time of writing this classic a young aspiring poet who grew up in London, England. Writing became a passion to Chaucer as he balanced work and his love for poetry. The people he encountered daily in life often influenced his writing which is quite evident in the Canterbury Tales. In this classic we are introduced to several characters of different backgrounds that served different purposes to build this story. Chaucer effective usage of selection of details, figurative language, irony, and satire gave us readers a better understanding of people in his time and their culture that can never be forgotten.

Chaucers use of selection of detail was quite phenomenal and the way he paints his words to describe each character gives each person their own distinct portrait. The Knight was the first character we are introduced too in the beginning of the story. Chaucer describes the knight as a Most distinguished man.who followed truth, honor, generousness, and courtesy. The words he uses to represent the knight tell us the reader how he acts and represents himself. But later, as Chaucer continues to describe the knight we are then introduced to his humbleness which was not described in word usage but in the description of what he wears. He was of sovereign value in all eyes.he possessed fine horses, but he was not gaily dressedwith smudges where his armor had left work; home from service he joined our ranks to do his pilgrimage and render thanks. In this quote we see that the knight was very humble and despite that he may have had much he did not dwell on material things. Someone who was such in a high position we would think he would feel he was higher then most but he didnt because at the end day he joined with rest of his people and render thanks with them like a truly leader should.

As broad as is a buckler or a shield..had a flowing mantle that concealed large hips, her heels spurred sharply under that. In this quote we are introduced to the physical traits of the Wife of Bath. Chaucer descriptions of her in the figurative sense allows Chaucer to explain her physical traits without being demeaning or rude to her characterdespite her somewhat curvy figure. But despite her odd physical features he later speaks of her features as a sign of greatness. She had wide gap- teeth set widely, truth to say. In todays society to describe a woman and say she had wide teeth would be found as an insult. But quite frankly it isnt. For a woman of her stature to have gap-teeth is a sign of boldness and is said to indicate a passion for love and travel. Chaucer use of describing his characters in a figurative sense allows us to admire the character for their different attributes.

Chaucer usage of irony is evident in describing all of his characters and when used it often determines the overall character of person whether they are trustworthy or not. His usage of irony is used efficiently when describing The Doctor. A doctor too emerged as we proceeded..he was a perfect practicing physicianand he made all his money from the others guile. Chaucer begins describing the doctor in a positive light but then towards the end he changes the cards by using the word guile which means he gains form skills in deceiving. In his usage of irony it allows him to describe the characters without showing his direct feelings of each individual.

Above all his poetic tools his usage of satire is my favorite when it comes to describing the honorable Plowman. Who is a humble God-fearing man that loves to help others more then he helps himself. This man follows the teaching of God with all his heart and mind Chaucer states. The plowman is a hardworking man indeed, and Chaucer also includes while describing his character that If he could help it, and, as prompt as many, he paid his tithes in full when they were due on what he owned, and on his earnings too!. In this quote we as the reader understand the seriousness of the plowman that he enjoys giving of himself to others.

On the contrary, Chaucer did use other devices to explain the characters in his story. But were not quite as effective as his usage of the four devices that I thoroughly explained that I found throughout each story.

In conclusion, Chaucers effective usage of selection of details, figurative language, irony, and satire gave us readers a better understanding of people in his time and their culture that cant and will never be forgotten.

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