In the historic epic, Beowulf, its title character, Beowulf, is perceived unconventional as well as a traditional hero in the Anglo-Saxon society. In the Anglo-Saxon culture, a hero had to be a honorable warrior, which Beowulf fulfilled. His heroic virtues were instilled in him from his youth throughout his adulthood. Beowulf characterizes himself predominantly through his feats of courage, strength, and loyalty.
Beowulf satisfies the idea in which Ambrose Redmoon recognizes, Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. Sitting awake in uncertainty, Beowulf decides to fight the hideous creature, Grendle, in order to aid the terrorized Danes. Prior to the battle with Grendel, Beowulf declares, I mean to stand, not run from his shooting/Flames, stand till fate decides/Which of us wins (l. 637-639). Beowulf faced the dragon bravely even though [He] did not know when he challenged the dragon how his end would come (Ogilvy and Baker 70).
The poem recurrently gives evidence to Beowulfs extraordinary strength. He inhabits the character as , the strongest of the Geats-greater/And stronger than anyone anywhere in this world (l. 110-111). His unparalleled strength gives him the ability to defeat each of his opponents. In his clash against Grendel, Beowulf utilizes his sheer strength to kill Grendel. He used his overbearing power to dismember the arm of Grendel. [Grendel] twisted in pain,/And the bleeding sinews deep in his shoulder/Snapped, muscle and bone split/And broke (l. 89-92).
In Beowulf, we see loyalty to leaders many times. Beowulfs own loyalty, it is true, is literally tribal and familial (Hieatt 46). According to Hieatt, [t]he other feature which Beowulf shares is an emphasis upon the ethical principle of loyalty, to another- to friend, family, chieftain, or the company of all faithful Christians (45). When hearing of the attacks by Grendel, Beowulf showed his loyalty to his father and King Hrothgar, proclaiming that hed go to that famous king./Would sail across the sea to Hrothgar,/Now when help is needed (l.114-116). Later in Beowulf's life, he again exemplifies his loyalty when he vows to protect his village from the attack of the dragon. Although much older, he goes off alone, believing it is his duty.
Beowulf saw, conquered, and destroyed the vile evil of Denmark. Even though Beowulf is a fictional character he represents the heroic symbol needed by the people of the chaotic Middle Ages. Despite his death, the Anglo-Saxons noticed the true heroism of Beowulf, likewise, they applied his characteristics to their own lives. All in all, Beowulf served as a hero for the Anglo-Saxon culture in virtue of his courage, strength, and loyalty.
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