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Analysis of The Invention of Hugo Cabret Essay


I will be analysing the features of one of the chapters in the novel the invention of Hugo cabret by Brian Selznick. From the very beginning of the chapter to the end, Brian has greatly shaped meaning and has influenced different responses from the responder through text and illustrations.

The title of the chapter I have chosen to analyse is called a train arrives in the station which is the name of a famous 1895 French short black-and-white silent film. The purpose of this title is to link the movie with the book as on page 460-467 Brian has recreated the same idea of the train coming towards the audience. By using the link between the movie and book the images persuade the responder to think the same of what the audience felt like in 1895 watching the movie. These feelings are of horror, fear and fright for Hugo.

The composer has used features like the simile on page 455. It quotes Hugo sat there like an animal, wet and shivering in the corner of his cage. The simile helps the audience to really know the situation of Hugo and what he was going through, getting trapped was what he dreaded all his life and it has become reality. The responder feels sympathy towards him like anyone would when you see an animal wet and shivering in the corner of a cage.

When the page is turned the responder gets to visually see the emotion displayed on Hugo. It further gives the responder to feel even more sympathy towards him and the idea of Hugo like an animal wet and shivering in the corner of his cage is brought back to the responders mind. This is shown from the crossing of the arms to keep warm and the jumper pulled over his mouth. Brian has drawn Hugo in the cage showing the bars to express the idea of isolation and imprisonment.

A lot of verbs have been used by Brian in the next 2 pages to build up what is about to happen and to create a busy scene. Some of these verbs include the words slipped, bounced, shuffled, knocked, rushing, stumbled and tripped. All of these create a crowded setting and this helps the responder to be in the book and feel the rush and they know that something big is going to happen.

In the next image instantly the responder is reminded about the image on page 348 which is the original image from the movie a train arrives in the station. They then realize the significance that this movie has on Brians novel and why the composer has put it there. It recreates the idea of movies coming to real life as Hugo has said throughout the novel.

By using the next images of the train coming closer and closer to Hugo, the responder grows more anxious in what the outcome could be. This effect creates suspense and makes the responder want to quickly turn the pages to find out what happens. The angle in which Brian has drawn the image is from eye level so the responder gets to feel as if they are in Hugos shoes. With each shot getting closer it builds suspense until when Hugo is seen being pulled away from the oncoming train then the responder can have a sigh of relief.

Brain has used Personification on page 470 in the sentence there were a few moments of dazed silence, then steam was released from somewhere, and it made a sound like the train was sighing. By using the train was sighing it creates a vivid image to the responder and it forces them to connect ideas and images in their heads.

On the next page the use of the dark black image supports the words pain and terror on the page before it. It sets the mood and the responder again feels in Hugos place and experiences what he is, which is complete darkness, isolation and fear. In the next image Brian has made it obvious that Hugo is in a happy place now as he sees stars and a moon. As the responder turns the page and the stars and moon become brighter the responder is left thinking that Hugo is dreaming and all the fear and darkness has gone. As the responder then reads on they realize why Brian had drawn stars and moons as it was the pattern on Georges melies cape from a trip to the moon. The image on page 482 shows the reunited family. The responder feels a sense of warmth from the 2 childrens eyes of admiration looking up to Georges melies, and the hand on Hugos back shows that he is now safe and secure.

Brian has used the 6 months later image on the next page to fast forward the novel and get the responder ready for what will lay on the next page. The viewer than sees Hugo as a completely different boy, he wasnt that same unclean, and messy child seen on page 15 and 16. Instead we see a happy, normal, clean and tidy kid. Brian has illustrated a close up of Hugo so the responder can feel his warmth and happiness through his smile and glistening eyes. Brian has left this image to the last of the chapter so it sticks in the viewers head and it also shows the contrast between Hugo who had no family at the start and to the Hugo who is now happy and has a great family. This leaves the responder with a smile on their face as they turn towards the next chapter as they now know Hugo is in good hands.

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