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Analysis of Poems by Maya Angelou Essay


Comparative Analysis Paper

Poetry has many definitions. It is a lot of different things to many people. One of the characteristics of Poetry is its language. Most poetry is expressed through sound, and rhythmic languages so that you the reader can get an emotional response. Rhythm is the most important element in poetry. Rhythm is often defined in a form of cadence. The military uses a similar form of cadence when they are performing physical training for their soldiers. I used this form of rhythm cadence for 22 years when I was in the Military. Im going to compare three poems, in comparing them I will not only use sound, but metaphors, simile, and rhyme.

In the first poem by Maya Angelou called Me and My Work she states that three days is hardly a grind. It buys some beans and collard greens and pays the rent on time. LaRocco, C & Coughlin J (1995). She is saying that she has a part time job, and she only works a few days a week, and three days is not enough to tire her out. The Job she is referring to puts food on the table and also helps her pay the rent. This message relates to many people in society today that are trying to raise their family on a small amount of income. In her third passage she states that her news isnt all bad. Theres plenty worse off than me. Shes saying she doesnt need sympathy (pg.234). She is relating her story to other people in the world that is doing far worse than her. And she doesnt want people to feel sorry for her.

In the second poem called Woman Work by Maya Angelou she talks about her day to day activities such as cooking, cleaning, dressing the kids, and working in the fields. In her second paragraph she says Shine on me sunshine, Rain on me rain, fall softly dewdrops, and cool my brow again (Pg. 215). The rain and dewdrops is her way of crying on her in her final resting place. On her third paragraph she says Storm, blow me from here, with your fiercest wind, Let me float across the sky, Til I can rest again (pg 214). The storm depicts the end of her life and she looking forward going into heaven. Fall gently, snowflakes cover me with white Cold icy kisses and Let me rest tonight (p. 214). That depicts the snow that is actually falling over her grave. This poem is excellent because she has so much determination to take care her family. In the last paragraph she talks about wanting to get away and let herself be free. In the first paragraph of Woman Work it should a lot of rhyming, from the beginning all the way to the end of the paragraph.

In the final poem called To Be of Use, the writer in the first paragraph talks about people jumping head first into a job. She expresses her feeling and is excited that people will not shy away from things and jump head first into it. She states in her poem that they become natives of that element, the black sleek heads of seals, bouncing like half-submerged ball (pg.248). She is using a metaphor and simile to describe how people love to work. In the second passage she talks about an ox to a heavy cart, which pulls like water buffalo, with massive patience (pg.248). She uses a simile to describe how she loves people with strength. In the final paragraph she talks about how the world is common as mud, and it smears on the hand and has a shape that satisfies, clean, and evident. She is talking about how she appreciate people that gets their hand dirty and even still does outstanding work..

In conclusion all three poems have something in common; they are all talking about stories, essays or drama focusing on workers and their lives. Most of the poems we discuss use literacy devices to help the reader connect to the poem emotionally. Each one of the poems was different to each person in their own little way. As you saw in the poems rhythm was the most important element in poetry.


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