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Courage in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay



In this novel, there was a lot of courage expressed in many of the characters. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee uses the characters Mrs. Dubose, Atticus, Jem, and Scout to say that those who are truly courageous stand up for what they believe in no matter the consequences.

Mrs. Dudbose was an elderly, ill tempered and racist woman. She was very courageous in the novel. Its when you know youre licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what (Lee p.112). Mrs. Dubose knew she did not have long to live in the world so she wanted to die with nothing and nobody helping her. She was addicted to morphine and was battling her addiction during her last months alive. Everyone especially Jem believed the Mrs. Dubose was a bad woman, but Atticus admires her for the courage with which she battles her morphine addiction.

Atticus is also very courageous in the novel. He is one of the few residents in Maycomb that is not racist. Atticus is defending Tom Robinson, a black man who was charged with raping a white woman. This was very unusual at this time for a white man to defend a black man but Atticus is very courageous and does what he believes is right. You can turn around and go home again, Walter (Lee p.151). Tom Robinson was moved out of jail to another place for him to stay the day before the court case. Atticus is guarding the house that Tom Robinson is staying to make sure no one tries to kill him. A group of men arrive with guns and sharp tools to try to kill Tom. Atticus refuses to let them in. This also shows how much courage Atticus has by not letting them in.

Jem and Scout are very courageous. I swear before God if Ill sit there and let them say somethin about Atticus (Lee p.87). This was when Scout was at school and Francis called his dad a nigger lover. She got so mad and beat him up. She is very courageous for standing up for her dad. Jem and Scout also stood up for Atticus when the white people were trying to kill Tom Robinson.

Those who are truly courageous stand up for what they believe in no matter the consequences. Courage is important because you need it to get on in life and to stand up for what you believe in. This is important in real life because without courage you would not be able to go on in life and do what you think is right.

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