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Commentary on Romeo And Juliet Essay


Romeo and Juliet, is a story of two young lovers, whose love was destined for destruction. They didn't know their love would lead to the tradegies that it did. The reason why their love fell apart partly because the feud between the two families, but mostly because of their fate.

The feud between the two families was one thing that led up to the Romeo and Juliet being destoned for destruction. "From ancient grudge to new mutiny". The two families one being Montague ((Romeo) and the other being Capulet (Juliet). Had many, many problems. The was so much hate between the two families that even the servents hated each other. Romeo and Juliet knew this feud would affect their marriage so they kept it a secret, because if their parents found out they would have made their lives a misery. They probably would have accepted the marriage. So that ment Romeo and Juliet then had to turn to other people for support.

Act 1 Scene 5 opens with servents rushing round, we can tell these people are not high ranking because they are speaking in Prose and the more important characters lines are written in blank verse. This makes the audience feel involved because most of them could not speak in Blank Verse. When we move to the other room Capulet is very excited when he finds out how many people have came to his party. So he goes over to welcome and joke with them all.

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