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Commentary on The Epic of Gilgamesh Essay


The Epic of Gilgamesh is a fascinating journey of a superhuman two-thirds god and one part human that is worth any time reading. It presents a philosophical sort of answer to living life through the peril of Gilgamesh and his search for immortality. As readers deepen into the epic, they will definitely relate to the feelings and concerns of lifes fate.

This story is an epic with a developmental hero named Gilgamesh. He was the king of his own built city, as well as the most powerful superhuman on earth. At first being arrogant and proud, Gilgamesh progresses with inner development becoming caring for his city and life. He was driven by his dear friend Enkidus death, aware that his life will be meaningless without immortality. After Gilgameshs treacherous journey of trials, for a moment he grasps the plant that will grant him youth, but ironically has it stolen from a snake when asleep. And at the end he finally returns home with the understanding that he is still human and must live life to the fullest. In short, Gilgamesh fits well with Joseph Campbells hero cycle.

Human qualities and independencies appear throughout the epic providing an interesting thought. The gods themselves possess human traits such as love, jealousy, and hate. Though in this epic, they were nearly not too helpful; in reality, all their actions were of destruction. Gilgameshs anguish was caused by the god, Ishtar, and her spite. A superhuman to rival Gilgamesh named Enkidu was created and ended up being his dearest friend, yet he died in his own opinion a shameful death from the curse of the gods. Gilgamesh loved him like his own brother and mourned his death for the longest time.

There are many blatant motifs and less obvious ones that I have yet to come across, but it is exactly that that makes Gilgamesh worth reading. His being as superhuman allows insight on what a regular person could not have done. Adventures and journeys accompany Gilgamesh on what humans may have wondered what it could have been like if they would have tried to find immortality as well. This very possibility gives birth to its universal theme, since this epic is thousands of years old.

From his tale, we recognize him as a hero and we recognize his message. He has struggled to bring us back something from the other side. He has brought back knowledge and the realization that we are not gods. We are mortal and we will inevitably die. But while we are here we live. It is to find pleasures and be happy for the time that the gods have allotted on earth.

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