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Commentary on The Odyssey Essay


In the poem The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus has too face many problems and challenges through his life. Odysseus journeys through many difficult challenges that change him and build him into a better person because he gets experienced, courageous, and stronger in many ways. Odysseus suffers many pains and hardships during his challenges but yet always overcomes them. The Odyssey is an outstanding book that shows acts of courage, endurance, pride, and vengeance.

Odysseus gets wiser more and more every time he lives through a dangerous life experience. For example, I longed for home, long for the sight of home. If any god has marked mea out again for shipwreck, my tough heart can undergo it. What hardship have I not long since endured at sea, in battle! Let the trail come. (87,229-233). This quote explains that Odysseus misses his home and knows the pain he is going to have to go through to get there. Odysseus shows that he is not afraid and has enough experience to live a shipwreck. Another quote that not only shows that he has experience and is not afraid is Kyklops try some wine. Heres liquor to wash down your scraps of men. (155,377-378). This quote shows that he has experience because he is trying to get the Kyklops drunk too defeat him. As you can see Odysseus must have a lot of experience because he sure knows various ways to survive or defeat someone.

Odysseus is a courageous man in the book The Odyssey. He doesnt back down even though the odds are against him. For example, O Kyklops! Would you feast on my companions? Puny, am I in a cavemans hands? How do you like the beating that we gave you, you damned cannibal? Eater of guests under your roof! Zeus and the gods have paid you! (159,519-523). Odysseus shows that he is not scared of Kyklops no matter what. Another quote

that shows that Odysseus is courageous is Listen to him! The swine can talk your arm off, like an old oven woman! With two punches Id knock him snoring. (336, 32-34). This shows the Odysseus is not afraid to fight anyone and with two punches will win. As you can see Odysseus is very courageous and can show it very much.

Odysseus is strong in many ways and surely does show it. Odysseus shows his strength in the quote Here is my lords Odysseus hunting bow. Bend and string it if u can. Who sends an arrow through iron axe helve sockets, twelve in line? I join my life with his, and leave this place, my home, my rich and beautiful bridal house, forever to be remembered, though I dream it only.(393, 78-83). This quote shows that Odysseus bow is not easy too string only he can string it proving that he is strong physically. Odysseus is in disguise when he is given the bow so they dont know that its really him stringing his own bow. Another quote that also shows how strong he is can be So the great solider took his bow and bent it for the bowstring effortlessly. He drilled the axe heads clean, sprang, and decanted arrows on the door sill, glared, and drew again. This time he killed Antinoos.(450, 196-201). This quote shows that he was the only one that had the strength enough too string the bow. As you can see Odysseus is very strong and on one has the strength that he has.

In the poem The Odyssey, Odysseus faces many conflicts that he has to go through. Because of Odysseus journey through many difficult challenges that change him and build him into a better person because he gets experienced, courageous, and stronger in many ways. Odysseus obstacles affect him but at the same time help him learn from his mistakes. In conclusion, The Odyssey is a very remarkable poem and you should read it.

Work Cited

Homer, The Odyssey. New York. Robert Fitzgerald, 1963

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