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Commentary on The Notebook Essay


The Notebook was written by Nicholas Sparks in 1994. Based on a true story, Its a classic yet brilliant love story of two people Allie and Noah, in the 1940s living in Seabrook South Carolina.

Noah, who is unimpressed with striving for success no matter the cost, He is a blue-collar worker who spends an unexpected inheritance on restoring a beautiful plantation home. He is a hard worker in whatever he engages himself, but will never be sucked into a job that keeps him away from nature and the beauty of poetry. He is a gentleman and shy yet intelligent

Allie, is a fit, petite girl from a wealthy, upper-class family. Very smart, intelligent girl. Her father and mother tend to push her into succeeding and wont condone to anything less. They have very high standards. She is the young woman who faces the challenge of defying the life she has been told she must live in order to connect with her soul mate.

They first meet at a carnival when Allie, was talking to Noahs friends, Fin and Sarah. When Noah shakes hands with Allie, he knows he can spend the rest of his life with her.. He asks her on a date, she says no. He asks again, she says no. So he jumps on the railing dangling off the ferris wheel until she says yes.

After spending time with each other, they simply fall in love. They have a summer romance. They spent their days doing things that were completely unfamiliar to her while she taught Noah how to dance. Later in the summer, Noah brought her to the decaying old plantation home and told her that someday he was going to own it and fix it up. They spent hours talking about their dreams - his of seeing the world and hers of being an artist. Eventually, they became lovers, both losing their virginity. Three weeks later, she had to leave and their summer together became a lingering memory for Noah.

Now living separate lives, they can never stop thinking about eachother. Every day every second. Allie, now has a fianc a very wealthy man who plans on spoiling his soon to be wife and quite frankly buying her love. Allie, feels as if she loves him yet she is truly marrying him because she knows thats what her parents want her to do..all caught up in her frustration, Allie sees in the paper the mansion that Noah had been working on for years since Allie left, had been put up for sale by Noah. So, she decides to pay a visit to Seabrook to see him. But she tells her fianc she needs a escape before the wedding.

As she enters Seabrook she finally sees the house, dramatically changed from what she remembers. She slows as she approaches what she thinks of as the beacon that has summoned her from Raleigh. Then, she sees him on the porch with the light from the sun behind him. She stops the car and slowly emerges. Noah begins to approach and then stops short when he sees who it is. For a moment, all they can do is stare at each other without moving Allie finally gets out the car and they stand in silence, each lost in their own thoughts and memories and feelings. Even though Im pretty sure there exactly the same. Finally, Allie breaks the silence, greeting Noah. Awkward silence AGAIN, followed by awkward, stilted conversations. Allie asks and Noah confirms that no significant other exists in his life, yet then she admits that she is not only engaged to be married, but that the wedding is in three weeks.

After talking Noah asks Allie if she would like to stay for dinner... She does.. They simply talk and I can feel Noah charming her As Allie makes her way back to the hotel she is staying at, Noah tells her to come back tomorrow, and that he has a surprise for her. She nods, smiles, and agrees.

Noahs surprise is a small lake by the waters of Brice Creek. swimming all over it are hundreds of swans and Canadian geese. There are adults and chicks, and they are packed closely together. They seem unaffected by Noah and Allie until the canoe gently pushes them out of the way. Even then, they barely complain. Noah opens the bread he has brought with them, and Allie feed the birds, especially the chicks. It is one of the most beautiful sights she has ever seen. They stay there until the thunder and lightening makes them both know that it is time to leave.

Soon, the rain begins to fall, slowly at first and then heavier, as Noah paddles furiously to get them home. Nonetheless, he knows he is losing to Mother Nature. As for Allie, she holds her face up to the rain and allows it to soak her dress which she hopes will make Noah notice her body more. Everything Feels wonderful. She hears Noah breathing hard as he paddles, and it arouses her sexually. Finally, they arrive at Noahs house, and as Allie waits for him to tie up the canoe, her beauty hits him so hard that for a moment, he has to stop breathing. They both wonder how the others body would feel. She realizes then that something has changed since shes come here . . . she knows that she has fallen in love with Noah Taylor Calhoun again, and that maybe, just maybe She will follow her heart by spending the rest of her life with him, even though it would mean going against her familys wishes.

The next morning, Noah makes breakfast for Allie, and after they have eaten, they Do it again. Then, they dress and spend the morning together. Noahs land has pretty much escaped the storm unscathed, but walking the grounds gives them the opportunity to hold hands and kiss. They eat lunch on the porch, with the noise of a mockingbird

While they are doing dishes, a unexpected knock comes at the door, and when Noah opens it, He sees Allies mother, Anne. Being a bitch she looks at him like an insect. Noah goes inside but walks back out on the porch. Allie comes out, and they begin to talk about what her decision will be. Lon or Noah He can see in her eyes that she is not going to tell Lon about them. Allie responds, I keep asking myself what I really want in my life, and do you know what the answer is? The answer is that I want two things. First, I want you. I want us. I love you and I always have . . . But I also want a happy ending without hurting anyone. And I know if I stay, people will be hurt. Noah says that she cant live her life for everyone else but that she needs to Live for herself.

Allie decides to leave and go back to Don, but then I believe the next day she pulls up to the mansion, with Noah on the porch, and she comes out with suitcases in both hands, and he can tell that they will be living HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

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